WordPress Meetup – February 2019
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WordPress Meetup – February 2019

Show & Tell Grammarly – Proofreading Google Docs – for writing Zoho – online productivity suite Invoicely – Small business client management & automation Plutio – Project management WordPress.org Favorites – When installing new plugins you can use favorites and use any WordPress.org username. WordPress Plugins TablePress Advanced Custom Fields Block Lab WordPress Themes Hestia WordPress Theme Development Foundation 6 JointsWP FoundationPress WordPress Management WP All Import DVS, Grand Rapids, MI
WordCamp Grand Rapids 2018 Swag
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Highlights of WordCamp Grand Rapids 2018

TL;DR – This year #WCGR was all about people and conversations for me. Oh, and trying my hand at speaking, which I didn’t totally bomb. Today marked the 4th WordCamp Grand Rapids that I’ve attended. Last year I was just an attendee but this year I stepped things up in a pretty bug way. I was not only a volunteer at the Happiness Bar, but I helped with organize the event, and was even one of the speakers. One of the things I love about #WordCamp Grand Rapids, and the #WordPress community is the people. Yet again I felt welcomed as a member of the community, valued for my experiences as a developer and user of WordPress, and encouraged when I had doubts of being…
WPGR: Learn about the Developer Tools in your browser

WPGR: Learn about the Developer Tools in your browser

Firefox Developer Tools – Topher Inspector – look at HTML/CSS behind a web page Responsive Display Mode Console – look for errors (security/resource loading issues) Different results depending on when you open – loading vs loaded Debugger – for JavaScript Style Editor – for changing CSS Performance – monitoring page load performance Network – Storage – Local browser items, page cache, cookies, etc. Chrome Developer Tools – Brian Shortcuts – keyboard commands to open dev tools (CTRL-OPT-I[Mac OS X]/CTRL-SHIFT-I[ChromeOS]) Docking – SHIFT-CMD-D(Mac OS X) / CTRL-SHIFT-D(Chrome OS) Elements (inspector) Styles – Filter allows for viewing specific CSS states (i.e. :hover) Add specific element styles Color Swatch – has a color picker, can save swatches Computed Styles View a visual representation of spacing See the CSS that…