Just A Short Test Run

Just A Short Test Run

Today, was a fitness level test run, 5 minute warm-up/cool down and 12 minutes of high intensity running. The intensity of these runs make it hard to think about much, though I still enjoyed the worship workout music. There are 2 albums that I typically rotate between. https://play.google.com/music/m/Byaqvq4noj2wsy5bnnjrd7gxlxy?t=50_Christian_Running_Cardio_Workout_-_CWH https://play.google.com/music/m/Bu5tpzv5jynip3tjpxndsh7t56m?t=Christian_Workout_50_Best_Music_Hits_Running_Cardio_-_Christian_Workout_Hits_Group These are my go-to music selection for running. I enjoy having some worship time during my runs to help me start off with God. #RiverBankRun
Running Miles For Wells And Worship

Running Miles For Wells And Worship

I had to drag myself out of bed this morning. It was literally a battle of wills been my mind and body. Once I got out the door and my feet began to move things felt good. It helped to have the worship music playing and reminding me the one of the reasons #WhyIRun is to have one of one time with God, sometimes just to listen for his still small voice. I’m also determined to make every step I take have a bigger meaning as I rally support for clean water and lift up to God those on need. #HWI #Run4Water Donate to Wells – https://timn.me/2t9D4ne
Doing A Night Run, Fast And Comfortable

Doing A Night Run, Fast And Comfortable

I didn’t get out to run this morning on account of the my daughter keeping us up a lot the night before. The alarm went off and I was just so tired I need some sleep to make it through the day. I decided to get my run in tonight and i was glad I still got it in today. I didn’t spend much time thinking or “talking”, I just focused on listening to the worship music. It really felt great. It was supposed to be an easy, slower, run but it just ended up being a bit more of a faster comfortable run. I’m still seriously considering doing the #GroundhogDayMarathon coming this February. I’d love to be able to represent #HWI at that run,…
Starting Off The Week With A Long Wet Training Run

Starting Off The Week With A Long Wet Training Run

Despite the rain and chill, caused by a little breeze, it was decent enough to get out for a longer run. The weather was still a big motivator to keep going, which unfortunately caused my pace to be faster than what the training plan called for, but oh well. #Endomondo I enjoyed a run full of #worship music, but I felt so overwhelmed by the needs of friends and family, physically; emotionally; and spiritually, that it was very hard to focus and being very specific in my prayers. Perhaps this morning was supposed to be more about worship then bringing the never-ending mound of needs to Him. I’m still hoping to continue to raise money for more wells. I’d love to be able to hit…
Cool Morning Interval Run Focusing On My Family
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Cool Morning Interval Run Focusing On My Family

Decided to “follow” the #Endomondo training plan today to get a longer interval run in. So far I’ve been doing some mix of the #HWI training plan and the Endomondo one. We’ll see how well that works out for me. It was a very cool morning for a run, I was pretty surprised when I stepped out the door. It made for great weather for a run. While I listened to a #worship running mix I focused on praying for my wife and kids. Life has been challenging recently with the kids. I’m glad they are back in school but that is presenting it’s own challenges as well. #GRMarathon #Run4Water