Just Another Half Marathon For Clean Water

Just Another Half Marathon For Clean Water

The long training run for this day was just another 13 miles, which of course I made a half marathon by squeaking in the last 0.1 miles. On Saturdays that I don’t have early morning family commitments, or that I’m out of town, my goal is to get my miles in before the start of the #HWI group run. I love to hang out with the community even if I don’t get to run with them. I love to hear how Hope Water is impacting our running group as we are working to impact Africa with clean water. #Run4Water #WhyIRun #GRMarathon Help Bring Clean Water to Africa: https://timn.me/2Kx7NEr
Another 5K For Clean Water

Another 5K For Clean Water

Pushed this morning’s training run to a 5K distance, and bumped up the intensity a bit. Just like training for a marathon is not easy or simple, so it is with putting in a well. When I had a chance to learn about the process of putting in a well I was amazed at the amount of work that is done before even putting a drill in the ground. And that actually does start with raising the money to fund the time and materials required to put in a well. There are villages filled with children all over Africa that need our support in bring them hope for the future through a life sustaining well. Will you be a part of the solution to a…
Getting In A Quick Tuesday Training Run

Getting In A Quick Tuesday Training Run

A well in a village in Africa is an important part of the community, and something to be guarded for sure. You will usually see a fence around the well in order to keep animals and thieves away. There is a national standard for the well pump, which also makes it a target for theft. Clean water is as valuable as gold in some places in the world. #HWI #Run4Water #WhyIRun #GRMarathon Give to Life, Donate Now: https://timn.me/2Kx7NEr
Knocking Out Some Early Morning Miles With A Hope Water Teammate

Knocking Out Some Early Morning Miles With A Hope Water Teammate

I had the pleasure of finishing out the last 10 miles of my run with my #HWI teammate Justin. It’s so nice to have both the motivation, and distraction, of someone else on the longer runs. It really helps melt the miles away. This is Justin’s first year with Hope Water, and his first marathon. I enjoyed being able to share my previous years of experience and what I’ve learned. #Run4Water #WhyIRun #GRMarathon If you haven’t already donated to Hope Water please consider donating to Justin’s fundraiser: https://www.hopewaterinternational.org/fundraisers/888