Sluggish Training Run But Thinking of ETC

Sluggish Training Run But Thinking of ETC

Another training run in the books. I could definitely feel the soreness in my legs from the half marathon still. I could also tell that some bad eating the previous few days was affecting how I was feeling while running. I really need to get back on track with things. I did enjoy another day of switching up my running routes. Alimamy, our Enable The Children sponsored child, was on my mind early in my run since we got our welcome packet the day before. I’m torn knowing that life for a disabled person in Sierra Leone is a drastically harder life compared to the U.S. I pray that God would continue to bring more light and opportunities to the children of #ETC. #HWI #GRMarathon…
New Hill Training Route And Focus On Why I Run

New Hill Training Route And Focus On Why I Run

New training route this morning, something with a bit more hills. I was still a little soar from the half marathon on Saturday but there wasn’t any noticable increase in pain during my run which is encouraging. I spent time specifically focusing on why I run and thinking back on my time in Sierra Leone. I prayed specifically for our ETC sponsored child and his mother. I also took time to pray for some of my co-workers that I know have been going through some tough life stuff recently. #HWI #GRMarathon #Run4Water #SierraLeone #WhyIRun
Getting Back Into Training After A Long Camping Weekend

Getting Back Into Training After A Long Camping Weekend

You know it’s going to be a hot and humid day when you feel it at 5am. Glad to be back out running after a week’s time of being out of it. I commend those that are able to keep up with their #training over vacations and while traveling. Looking forward to joining my running partner once again this week. #HWI #HessLakeRun #GRMarathon #Run4Water #SauconyRunChallenge
The Half Marathon Training Taper Begins

The Half Marathon Training Taper Begins

I’m now on the taper for the #HessLakeRun half marathon in a week and a half. This morning was supposed to be just an easy run but as is my m.o. I pushed it a bit beyond an easy run. It was surprisingly a fairly cool morning. Enjoyed listening to worship music and lifting up friends, co-workers, and family in prayer. I also couldn’t have a run without thinking about and praying for those in #SierraLeone that I met while there. #HWI #GRMarathon #Run4Water