Starting Off The Week With A Long Wet Training Run

Starting Off The Week With A Long Wet Training Run

Despite the rain and chill, caused by a little breeze, it was decent enough to get out for a longer run. The weather was still a big motivator to keep going, which unfortunately caused my pace to be faster than what the training plan called for, but oh well. #Endomondo I enjoyed a run full of #worship music, but I felt so overwhelmed by the needs of friends and family, physically; emotionally; and spiritually, that it was very hard to focus and being very specific in my prayers. Perhaps this morning was supposed to be more about worship then bringing the never-ending mound of needs to Him. I’m still hoping to continue to raise money for more wells. I’d love to be able to hit…
Seeing, And Meeting, The Needs of Others
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Seeing, And Meeting, The Needs of Others

Responding to the Needs of Others Around You I have, at times, been cognizant of the needs of those I’ve been in connection with. Most often the help has come by way of financial assistance. There have been other times that non-financial needs have arose and I’ve responded, but those times seem to have been in the minority. Being Intentional About Seeing, And Meeting, The Needs of Those Around Us We are called to not only help our brothers and sisters in Christ, but to help all those in need around us. I’m reminded of the book the 10 Second Rule. There are so many needs all around us. How often do we simply turn a blind eye all because of our own selfish desires?…
Priority Number 1

Priority Number 1

Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need. – Matthew 6:33 NLT Our world tries to offer us a lot of things that distract us from what we should be pursuing. It goes without saying that when we are pursuing God our “needs” change. Many of what we think we need are merely wants, and God sometimes blesses us with those things as well.