What motivates me? There are a few things. My health, my family, water for the people of Sierra Leone Africa, and time alone with God. Oh, and I am a little crazy and actually enjoy it.
I don’t recall if I’ve ever written any sort of year-in-review blog post or even social media post, but this year I have had so many firsts that I wanted to reflect on and share my thanks for. Health In the health department I not only reached my initial target goal weight but actually surpassed it, and my second target. I think this year I’ve weighed the least that I have in 26 years. I have always struggled with my weight and living a more healthy lifestyle. I attribute my success primarily to my wife, and also to the encouragement of many friends and family. I also had to have a lot of self-determination as well, but that was only had by seeing the impact my…
Run the Grand Rapids Hot Cider Hustle 5k on Nov. 11th. All participants get Long Sleeve quarter zip, hot cider, caramel apple and finishers mug! Use #HotCiderHustle to share your photos! Complete, up to date, event information found at http://michiganruns.com/ Source: Hot Cider Hustle – Grand Rapids 5K Walker, Michigan, United States of America
So today is the 2nd day since completing the marathon, and unfortunately I find myself in more of a discouraged state than in celebration of my accomplishment. There are many things going through my head, many thoughts that cause me to be more disappointed with marathon Sunday. Nothing played out like I had hoped. I ended up coming in behind most of all the other marathon runners from our group despite leading the pack throughout training. I didn’t get to cross the finish line with my running partner, or my kids. I ended up walking most of the last 4.5 miles. I ended up going to the medical aid tent after crossing the finish line. I have no photo of me crossing the finish line….
Today was a pretty big day for me. I completed my first ever marathon. It was a tough day, with the down pouring rain, wind gusts of 20 some miles per hour, and getting cramps in my legs that slowed me down, I ended the race pretty discouraged. Not to mention I ended up having to be taken to the medic tent after crossing the finish line, which was something my running partner and I had talked about not wanting to have happen to us. Let’s just say it was a pretty humbling experience. I’m so thankful for all of the encouragement from the many Hope Water International runners the kept encouraging me on the way to the finish line. I especially appreciate Ron Bussa and Nick…
A day late on posting this. Better late than never, right? It’s hard to imagine that I’m only a couple of days away from the marathon. I so appreciate this guy training with me these past many weeks. Looking forward to hitting the next milestone and crossing the finish line together.