Enabling A Community With Clean Water

Enabling A Community With Clean Water

When clean water is brought to a community it’s not done suddenly and randomly then moving on to another random village. World Hope(#WHI) works with a carefully chosen village to establish ownership of the well by that village. The village agrees to manage and care for the well in order to serve their community for the long term. The are taught how to maintain and repair the well, and are tasked with protecting it as well. This model follows the saying, “Give a man a fish, feed him today. Teach a man to fish and feed him for a lifetime.”. #HWI #Run4Water #WhyIRun #GRMarathon Donate to Clean Water: https://timn.me/2Kx7NEr
Running For Wells In Africa Means Lives Are Changed

Running For Wells In Africa Means Lives Are Changed

While I have been involved with Hope Water International, I have seen first hand the lives that are changed. Obviously, being able to travel to Sierra Leone Africa I saw what kind of life change can occur for people there. However, the other place that lives are changed are right here within the #HWI Team. The support of each other in the HWI community has helped people accomplish more than they had ever thought. That is another reason #WhyIRun with the HWI Team. When you have a group that is on a mission to show love to people half way around the world that they may never know, that loves spills over into the group itself. #Run4Water #GRMarathon Donate to Clean Water: https://timn.me/2Kx7NEr