Getting Back Into Training After A Long Camping Weekend

Getting Back Into Training After A Long Camping Weekend

You know it’s going to be a hot and humid day when you feel it at 5am. Glad to be back out running after a week’s time of being out of it. I commend those that are able to keep up with their #training over vacations and while traveling. Looking forward to joining my running partner once again this week. #HWI #HessLakeRun #GRMarathon #Run4Water #SauconyRunChallenge
The Half Marathon Training Taper Begins

The Half Marathon Training Taper Begins

I’m now on the taper for the #HessLakeRun half marathon in a week and a half. This morning was supposed to be just an easy run but as is my m.o. I pushed it a bit beyond an easy run. It was surprisingly a fairly cool morning. Enjoyed listening to worship music and lifting up friends, co-workers, and family in prayer. I also couldn’t have a run without thinking about and praying for those in #SierraLeone that I met while there. #HWI #GRMarathon #Run4Water
While Running Anything Can Happen

While Running Anything Can Happen

This week I was pretty off on my #training but I got my long run in today since I’ve got an all day conference tomorrow. It felt good to be back out running and I even felt good about my pace, for an easy long run. I’m not sure if it was God leading me but I started thinking about Sierra Leone and the next team going and wondered if I should consider leading the team. #HWI #GRMarathon #Run4Water #HessLakeRun #SierraLeone