What You Say Is A Reflection Of The State Of Your Heart
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What You Say Is A Reflection Of The State Of Your Heart

The function of your mouth is a product of the things that dwell in your heart. In order to tame your tongue, you must first examine your heart and get it right with God. #JamesChallenge James Challenge In this age of social media I’m seeing far too often where people, and especially those that claim to be Christians, spewing words they have no business putting out for all the world to see. Long ago I made to decision that if I what I have to say is not uplifting or helpful I’m not going to share it. Now a post like this could be debatable in that regard, but I’m also not afraid to share God’s truth. As Christ followers we are called to a…
When A Run Turns Into A Fight, With Yourself

When A Run Turns Into A Fight, With Yourself

This morning wasn’t hard because of the weather, the terrain, or my physical state, this morning my run was consumed with a battle of my emotions and an ugly part of me that rears it’s head every now and then. Unfortunately, I spent little time during my run in worship or prayer, most of it was spent asking God to change my heart. I have struggled with grace taking a back seat when life gets tough, when I’m faced with the reality of an imperfect world. I quickly turn to frustration and anger. It’s a side of me that I’m ashamed of and generally ends up turning my thoughts against myself with feelings of negative self worth and the desire to just run away from…