A Little Early Morning Half Marathon

A Little Early Morning Half Marathon

Sticking to the #Endomondo training plan meant getting up before 4am to get 13 miles of running in before my wife needed to leave the house by 6:15. I can say that I was overjoyed having to get up so early, but the alternatives were even less appealing. One thing that something like a time commitment, making sure I was home so my wife could leave, does is give you extra motivation to keep up the pace. And that was definitely going through my mind several times. I’m not 100% certain why but my pace slowed slightly after I hit about mile 9. I do think I made it harder on myself because I didn’t take salt tablets before the long run, nor during. I…
I Might Need To Adjust My Half Marathon Training

I Might Need To Adjust My Half Marathon Training

So yesterday I happened to PR for a half marathon. The “problem” is that it was only a half marathon training run for a half I’m doing in July. My Endomondo training plan has my goal set for a 9:22min/mi pace come race day. Well I ended up blowing that time out of the water by finishing a training run half marathon with an 8:49min/mi pace. So I think my current goal is too conservative. It probably doesn’t help that I continually keep pushing myself beyond the training plan paces. I have a hard time managing my pace.
Hope Water Team Daybreak - Africa Team
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All Registered For The Next Journey

I’m officially registered for the GR Half Marathon. Looking forward to the journey and the community! What a great night for the Hope Water kick off! I’ll be doing the half marathon, which seems crazy, but my wife is my inspiration. I also can’t wait to be a part of the the amazing work God is doing with the Hope Water Team to provide clean water to people in Africa. So proud of my wife who is joining the team headed to Africa in a week to dedicate some of the wells the team helped to put in and serve the people.