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Teach Me Patience…

These past few days have been pretty amazing. Let’s just say for starters, that God has really been teaching me a lot these days. This is something I very much need to think about and reflect on daily. Kind of all goes back to the learning circle. How important it is to reflect, plan, and act on the teaching that God does in our lives. It can be so easy to learn and move on without it having a truely lasting impact on our lives. God has been reminding me of this too. As of Wednesday God has really been revealing to me a need to be getting out of the Christian bubble I live in. It’s much like the times the disciples wanted to…
Settlers of Catan
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I Won, I Won…

Yeah, Dan’s winning streak was finally broken in Settlers, I won the game. It was close, John was one roll away from winning, then he had his longest road taken away. It was downhill from there for him. Getting the longest road gave me the final points needed to win. I didn’t get a post up last night as I was working on getting a blog setup for my sister. Hope this works for her. Well, I need to go warm up the car and get to work. Good day all!
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Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring forth.

(Proverbs 27:1-3) What a day today was. Surprises at every turn. So this morning I used my “snow blower” for the first time. I’m sorry to say (Mom & Dad 🙁 ), that that thing is not much more than a gas-powered shovel. I think I could have do it by hand faster. Well, can’t complain about the price I guess. Got to work with an unplowed parking lot, but behold there was 1 clearly open spot for me to park, yeah! It was nice to have gotten up at 5:30 again. I was feel pretty good today, pretty much back to my old self. Well after continuous looks at the UPS package tracking it appeared that I wouldn’t get my new PowerBook until tomorrow….

Feeling 99% Today!

Thanks for all the prayers guys! I’m feeling about 99% back to normal today. Got up at my normal 5:30 am, got some snow moved and got to work early. Now I’m patiently awaiting my PowerBook to arrive, hopefully the weather doesn’t have a negative effect. Well, have a great day all! P.S. Just did a quick check, it arrived in Minneapolis at 6:04 am. It’s close.
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The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly…

Well, yes I’m finally posting to the blog again. Trips tend to take me out of the blog-o-sphere. Well, sorry to disappoint many, but this is going to be a short one tonight. I’m not quite out of the dark on the sick feeling that hit me yesterday, pretty close though. The Good: Had a good time with my family and got to hang out with two of my best friends growing up. It’s interesting to see where we are all at now in life. John’s all married with a baby on the way. Sounds like they’ll be doing some moving around in the years to come. I really hope John’s finds the job he’s really looking for. Jeff is still as quirky as every….