Enterprise API Development…Navigating The Battlefield

Enterprise API Development…Navigating The Battlefield

Right now at work I’m the lead on a project to establish a new vendor API. Unfortunately there were decisions made on key specifications of how the API was to be developed before it was handed to me. Where I work there is a lot of legacy standards and so it’s challenging to introduce new technologies as a standard. I do see that there is a constant struggle between what APIs are needed internally versus externally, for B2B integrations. I’m always looking to try to balance this out whenever I can.
Working Nights & Weekends

Working Nights & Weekends

Resisting the urge to work nights or weekends has been a challenge since starting my new job with Sprint back in September. Having a big high visibility project, that is all new, hasn’t helped matters. This article from DZone says a lot to why I need to put my boundaries back in place. I know things aren’t at a good place when my wife says “you’ve been working a lot lately, when will things get back to normal”. Major red flag indeed. So looking forward to the next few months as we’ll be moving into a new house, and my wife plans a trip to Africa, I’ll need to think long and hard before I pickup the work computer during my nights and weekends.
Friends At Work
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Friends At Work

I’ve been blessed with the opportunity to once again work with one of my close friends. What’s cool is that God brought me to Michigan not only because of my wife, but He placed me in a job where I had the opportunity to build a solid relationship with my co-worker Jon Kay. Since returning to Sprint he has been a huge support to me at work. I’m blessed to work and share life with a close friend.