Last Run Before My Surgery

Last Run Before My Surgery

When I got up this morning to thunder, lightning, and down pouring rain, I decided to wait until this evening to get my last run in before my surgery. As it normally goes, running in the evening is always harder for me. I can usually feel my supper, or what I’ve been eating that day, and it usually just doesn’t feel great. Tonight was no exception. I had intended on running 12 miles but only made it 10, and my pace slowed down considerably over the last 5 miles. It didn’t help matters either that I decided to break in my new shoes in a 12 mile run. I wouldn’t recommend that. I could definitely feel my shoes and the odd places that felt sore….
Starting Off Slow, Then Getting In A Groove

Starting Off Slow, Then Getting In A Groove

For the first 4-5 minutes it felt like it was going to be a slower day, but after getting the first mile under my belt things turned around. From there on I just slowly kept picking up the pace. This has been pretty typical with how my runs have been going. Hoping to get another couple longer runs in before my running break. #HWI #Run4Water #WhyIRun #GRMarathon
A Little Farther, A Little Slower

A Little Farther, A Little Slower

This morning was really not even a full mile farther than Tuesday. Things were a little slower today but that’s just fine, it was still a good solid run. I really need to start working on a new training plan soon. I’ll have to wait to start a new training plan until I’m back I the swing of things after my surgery next week. I’m hoping that I don’t have to take too much of a break from running after my surgery, but we’ll see what happens. I’m still in the fence on whether I’ll be running the full marathon again this year or if I’ll be scaling back to the half marathon. I’ll have to make a final decision once I’ve recovered from my…
Reverse Training Run For A 25K Recovery

Reverse Training Run For A 25K Recovery

So there’s always the question of what do you do for running after you’ve finished a race, especially if you been on a training plan that ends with that race. Everyone needs to figure out what is best for themselves but one option is to reverse your training plan for a bit. Coming off of the 25K, and still being sore the day after, I decided that following the reverse training plan tactic might be best. I honestly can’t explain how it is that I ended up hitting the crazy pace other than it just felt right and I didn’t feel like I was killing myself. Actually, as my run went on my pace got faster. It feels pretty good to have exceeded my goal…