Impacting The World And The Next Generations

Impacting The World And The Next Generations

Donate to Clean Water, Donate to the Future: #HWI #Run4Water #WhyIRun #GRMarathon Putting in a well in a village in Africa doesn’t only provide for an immediate need, it also impacts future generations. Wells in Africa have the potential to change who the next president or prime minister could be, or the next Olympic gold medalist, or the next major entrepreneur that could change the economic structure. Clean water changes the world and the future. What are we going to invest in, gathering some things that won’t last, or impacting our world and future generations?
Yes, I Did Get A Quick Morning Run In

Yes, I Did Get A Quick Morning Run In

Give Children Clean Water: #HWI #Run4Water #WhyIRun #GRMarathon I had to have slept really well last night, I felt great running this morning and the pace I was running at felt like I was doing way slower that I was. Where are the best places for wells to go in Africa? The desire with new wells is to place them where they will have the maximum impact on the community. In many cases this will be near the school in the village. Water has a huge impact on children in Africa.
Joining The Hope Water Team Again

Joining The Hope Water Team Again

Donate to Clean Water in Africa: #HWI #Run4Water #WhyIRun #GRMarathon This morning started off with waking up at 3:45am in order to get to Johnson Park by 4:30am. Doing 15 miles I needed to make sure I could get my run wrapped up by the time the HWI Team met at 7am. I got done with plenty of time to hang out with the team before things got started. Things turned out way better than the previous week’s run. On top of that I pretty much got in a consistent pace for the entire run which is pretty unheard of for me. It sounded like many had a rough last week. When the miles start creeping up things move to another level and your…
The Return Of The Running Selfie

The Return Of The Running Selfie

Donate to Clean Water: #HWI #Run4Water #WhyIRun #GRMarathon Things felt good this morning, especially with the cooler temperature. I’m hopeful that today’s run is a sign that my Saturday long run will go better this week. No matter whether we have a “bad” day or a good one, just getting out there and putting in some miles shows our commitment to the cause. Ultimately, more wells in Africa is the real goal regardless of how a training run goes. I haven’t seen any donations come in for my $1000 goal yet but I’m hopeful that someone will be inspired and moved to join with me every time I share.
One Mile, One Runner, One Well At A Time

One Mile, One Runner, One Well At A Time

Join Me in Supplying Clean Water to Africa: #Run4Water #WhyIRun #GRMarathon As the #HWI Team begins putting in even longer runs, working the way to half & full marathon distances, we have have an opportunity to bring awareness to the need for access to clean water in Africa. Even though for many of us this is another year of raising money, the need for more wells has not diminished. Can you imagine the life change if we could accomplish sustainable wells across all of Africa? The team won’t be stopping putting those miles in anytime soon.
Moving From An Unreliable Water Supply To One They Can Count On

Moving From An Unreliable Water Supply To One They Can Count On

The #HWI Team is helping communities in Africa to leave behind their unreliable, and unhealthy, water supplies. Every well that Hope Water helps to put in brings a village a water supplies that will keep them healthy and bring new life and hope. #Run4Water #WhyIRun #GRMarathon Partner With Us: