A Little Speed Work, And A Lot Of God Time
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A Little Speed Work, And A Lot Of God Time

While I did have to focus a little bit on the speed work part of my training run this morning, I spent a good part of that time reflecting on a lot of what God has been speaking to me about over the past week. I was challenged last night at the Daybreak missions dinner with what I am doing with my running, and my experience going to Sierra Leone. Having seen first hand what it’s like in Sierra Leone, I’m feeling challenged to evaluate how well I am using my running and my experience to make a difference. This leads into the regular feeling I get that God wants me to do more to serve Him. I struggle with knowing what that all means,…
A Verse That Describes The Church In Kathirie Sierra Leone

A Verse That Describes The Church In Kathirie Sierra Leone

“They are being tested by many troubles, and they are very poor. But they are also filled with abundant joy, which has overflowed in rich generosity.” – 2 Corinthians 8:2 NLT This morning at Daybreak this verse was one that was part of Pastor Wes’ message. As it was being read I instantly began remembering my experience at the Sunday morning service in Kathirie. As I watched the church members give the morning offerings, giving not only to the general offering but also to a building fund and missions, I could only think about the amazing work God was doing in the village.