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My Long Weekend…

So it’s been a few days since my last post. When things get busy I find it hard to get them in. Things have been kind of crazy. I just noticed too that my last real blog post was Tuesday. Wednesdays always get busy and late, actually I ended up going over to John & Caristy’s after youth group again. It’s good for me to be apart of some social things, especially with people my own age. So let’s recap a little. Wednesday youth group was good. Joel & Liz Christensen gave a talk about their work in China. It was a little different than what they talked about on Sunday wo that was good. With the craziness of the week I didn’t do music,…
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Life Without Internet…Thursday

Thursday was an ok day at work. I really didn’t feel like I was able to keep on task as well as I would have liked. I was able to make some progress on the CLB site, integrating the forums into the homepage. I also got to talking with Todd about the whole blogging thing. He had setup himself with a Blogger.com blog. I offered to host a WordPress blog for him, then we got on the sunject of creating a CLB Blog site. Not sure how much of a demand there might be for this. I think it might be cool if Synod Staff & Pastors had blogs through the CLB. I didn’t get out of work till like 6. I decided to take…
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Reality Check…

Yeah, so I’ve been a lot of thinking lately. Surprised? 😛 Wednesday, at youth group, an interesting question was asked. “What makes you happy?” This really got me thinking. It was very hard for me to actually stop and consider what does make me happy. I made a comment about the fact that I really find enjoyment in helping others out, especially when it comes to computers. Times that I have to spend with friends, like this past weekend, that makes me happy. I think I spend so much time thinking about how alone I am that I don’t feel very happy a lot of the times. I think I’ve been living as though once I find that special someone that everything will be right…