A Little Sprinkle To Liven Up The Run

A Little Sprinkle To Liven Up The Run

I wasn’t sure what I was going to end up running in this morning when the forecast called for rain. It really only ended up being a tiny bit of drops here and there, but I was prepared either way. It’s interesting what you get used to after awhile of running. There was a time that rain meant a treadmill run. These days, unless there is life threatening weather you couldn’t keep me inside. This morning while running I got to thinking about how much the world today seems to be trying to tear families apart. It’s very apparent that Satan knows that he can gain a foothold by attacking families. I see so many throw in the towel on their family all because they…
Getting The Saturday Long Run Done

Getting The Saturday Long Run Done

We all have those off days, for me today was one of those. The second half of my run was more challenging than last week. Given I PR’d for a half marathon I was surprised by today. I really can’t complain, I was supposed to be running a 9:40 min/mi pace. So in reality I was pushing when I shouldn’t have been. Some times I think about giving up the focus on pace and even getting faster and just go out and enjoy the run for what it is. I’m sure at some point I’ll get there, I’m just not sure if I’m ready to be at that place yet. When you are running for almost 2 hours you have a lot of time to…
Managing A Late Start Interval Run

Managing A Late Start Interval Run

This morning had an off start. After waking up and looking at the time I realized I had forgot to change my alarm the night before and I had woken up an hour late. I tried to get myself out the door as soon as I could but I knew there was no way I was going to get the 8-9 miles in that my training plan called for. On top of that it was an interval training run. I decided to just follow the intervals but cut the run short in order to get back home at a decent time. I did manage to get just shy of miles in, even though I had some tough going intervals. When you throw the major wind…
Knocking Out Another Monday Training Run

Knocking Out Another Monday Training Run

I really enjoy being able to just turn on the workout worship music and just run while having one-on-one time, just me and God. This morning the Rusch family was on my mind and is in my prayers. I spent 10 years working at a Christian camp and was blessed to work with some many amazing people serving and ministering to others. I am totally blown away when I hear of the trials many of them end up going through. I do still trust in God’s truth that “in this world you will have trouble, but take heart, I have overcome the world.” I can’t even imagine what it is going to be like for the Rusch family but I know that God will be…