Back Running With The Hope Water Team

Back Running With The Hope Water Team

I’m definitely well on the way to recovery. I enjoyed a nice Saturday group run with the #HWI Daybreak Team. Great conversations with Todd, Nate, and Josh. It was a nice change of pace to just get out there and run and have no agenda in regards to distance or any specific pace. I definitely took Ron’s advice today and just had fun. I’m also excited to see a bunch of guys taking the next step and moving from their half marathon last year to a full this year. I think it might have pushed me into the decision to do another full marathon this year. I feel like having completed 3 marathons I can share my own experience to help others succeed in finishing…
Back In The Saddle On The Road To Recovery

Back In The Saddle On The Road To Recovery

I couldn’t do another day of just walking. I did my best to keep it a slow jog. I also continued to use the slower pace to have some good one-on-one time with God and pray for friends and family that I know need support for the things they are going through right now. As I continue to recover and work my way into a normal running routine again I need to keep working on where my focus is as I run. I’m thankful for how my recovery is going, and also thankful for the opportunity to see my running from a different perspective. #HWI #Run4Water #WhyIRun #GRMarathon
Being Thankful For My Health, And Focusing On Others

Being Thankful For My Health, And Focusing On Others

This morning I got myself to a place where I could honestly see that I was letting myself get wrapped up in my own pity party. I was losing sight of the opportunity to be thankful for my health and be focusing on those less fortunate. The big question came to mind of why I am running. Am I running for myself? Are my runs all about how far or fast I can run? It seems pretty obvious that I got myself far from where I should be. I turned things around this morning and spent some time in praise for how God has blessed me, and especially spent time lifting friends and family up in prayer that have bigger needs than me. #HWI #WhyIRun
First Recovery Walk

First Recovery Walk

I’ll be honest, this morning was a hard place to be. I should be thankful that I was able to get out the door and get some steps in. It was just hard to enjoy a 50 minute walk when you’re coming from a normal pace of 3x the distance in that time. I know I’ll get back there over time. Hopefully I can start to enjoy the slow down. #HWI #RecoveryWalk
Last Run Before My Surgery

Last Run Before My Surgery

When I got up this morning to thunder, lightning, and down pouring rain, I decided to wait until this evening to get my last run in before my surgery. As it normally goes, running in the evening is always harder for me. I can usually feel my supper, or what I’ve been eating that day, and it usually just doesn’t feel great. Tonight was no exception. I had intended on running 12 miles but only made it 10, and my pace slowed down considerably over the last 5 miles. It didn’t help matters either that I decided to break in my new shoes in a 12 mile run. I wouldn’t recommend that. I could definitely feel my shoes and the odd places that felt sore….