8.5 Miles, It’s About The Purpose Not The Pace

8.5 Miles, It’s About The Purpose Not The Pace

Will you help make clean water a reality for children in Africa? Give today: https://timn.me/2Kx7NEr #HWI Having been a runner for about 4 years now I know how easy it can be to get caught up in times, paces, and having a good race. Being a part of Hope Water is about #WhyIRun which ultimately is about having a platform to share about the great need for clean water around the world, and specifically Africa. This morning as I ran I felt like just putting enjoying the run and focusing on my #Run4Water instead of worrying about how fast, or slow, I was going. I still had a distance as my target, and that was really the only thing I was concerned with. I am…
Another Interval Training Run For Clean Water On A Brisk Thursday Morning

Another Interval Training Run For Clean Water On A Brisk Thursday Morning

The number of children in Africa that suffer from lack of clean water is staggering. I’ve been to Sierra Leone and seen first hand the hardship the people experience when they don’t have easy access to clean water, and I’ve seen the transformation when they do. #HWI #Run4Water #WhyIRun #RiverBankRun Give to Clean Water: https://timn.me/2Kx7NEr
A Better Tuesday Long Run, Working On Endurance

A Better Tuesday Long Run, Working On Endurance

In Sierra Leone, Africa, many have no choice but to endure miles of travel to access water, and for many that water isn’t safe but they don’t have any other options. The need for clean water it’s great, and through Hope Water International, progress is being made, but we’re not done yet. #HWI #Run4Water #WhyIRun #RiverBankRun Join Hope Water to bring clean water Africa: https://timn.me/2Kx7NEr This morning I really worked on slowing my pace to fall in line with the training plan. I had a much better pace today than a few days ago. It was definitely a focus on endurance than speed. In some ways slowing down is more work than it is to speed up. I’d like to see if I continue to…
A Bad Great Run

A Bad Great Run

How can a great run be bad? When you are struggling to follow the plan and slow down. #HWI #Run4Water #WhyIRun #RiverBankRun Help bring clean water to Africa: https://timn.me/2Kx7NEr I know it probably sounds crazy that I’m saying it was bad to be going too fast, when many may feel like they can’t ever get faster. My problem is that I can’t sustain my faster pace for an entire full marathon, and I question even a half marathon right now. When I start too fast I use up so much energy that I hit a big wall too early on. Part of the reason for slower long runs is to build up endurance. Just pounding out the miles as fast as you can all the…
Giving Your Time And Attention
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Giving Your Time And Attention

Nothing can replace time. Kids don’t need things; they need time. YouVersion plan ‘Better Together’. Check it out here:http://bible.com/r/Qc Just last night I had the opportunity to help start the Watch D.O.G.S. program at my children’s elementary school. One of the reasons for this is put together so nicely in my devotions this morning, showing our kids how important they are by giving them time. The essence of relationships is not what we do for each other or what we give to each other. The essence of relationships is how much of ourselves we give to each other. YouVersion plan ‘Better Together’. Check it out here:http://bible.com/r/Qc “I give my wife everything she needs. I give my kids everything they need. What more do they want?”…