A Nice Sunny Saturday Run

A Nice Sunny Saturday Run

It was nice to get out just when the sun first came up for my Saturday run, and the temperature was just right too. It’s not too often I get to run in the daylight. There was a bit more people out at that time, than my normal 4-5am, so I had to switch sides of the street I was running on a couple of times. #HWI #Run4Water #WhyIRun Even though things seems tough at times with what we are dealing with I still don’t see it being as nearly as tough as what many in Sierra Leone face every day. In Sierra Leone there are few that could be working from home.
Still Running, Starting A New Plan

Still Running, Starting A New Plan

I have still been running but just haven’t taken the time to post about them. I ran 13.1 miles last Saturday and around 7 Miles on Tuesday, I did take a break Monday in order to get some extra sleep after a late night. This morning I had another interval training run this morning that kicked my but, however I still ended with more miles then estimated so I it was not all bad. I had actually started a new training plan since my 15K at the River Bank Run isn’t happen. No sense in building up my distance when there isn’t actually a race to run. #HWI #Run4Water #WhyIRun
Doing An Intense Training Evaluation Run On A Foggy Thursday Morning

Doing An Intense Training Evaluation Run On A Foggy Thursday Morning

It was a pretty cool morning which attributed to the dense fog but the temperature was nice for a run. I’m planning on sticking with my 25K training plan until the time the #RiverBankRun was supposed to take place. The need for clean water hasn’t come to an end. #HWI #WhyIRun #Run4Water Give to clean water in Africa: https://timn.me/2Kx7NEr With so many other changes happening because of COVID-19 it’s good to be able to keep some things the same. I’m general our family is adjusting to the new normal, but time will tell how things go. While most are in an area where you a generally restricted to their home it’s important for everyone to still find a way to connect with others. Using video…
A 5 Mile Training Run In The Face Of A Challenging World

A 5 Mile Training Run In The Face Of A Challenging World

As I ran this morning I couldn’t help but think about the impact that #COVID19 is having on our world and not just with those infected, having died, or those secluding themselves bin protection. There is the global economic impact that I fear will also impact giving to those that have been in need. When there is a huge need for support of those that have lost there jobs right around you it seems challenging to be asking for money to send overseas for wells. The world challenges of poverty and access to clean water didn’t go away when the virus hit, those needs are still very much there and now more needs have been added on top. #HWI #Run4Water #WhyIRun
A Wet Easy 11 Miles

A Wet Easy 11 Miles

I got 11 miles in this morning even though it was raining. With being stuck inside, and at home, pretty much all the time, I was glad to get out end enjoy the end of my run in some daylight. When I finished I enjoyed getting on a Zoom call with the #HWI team and catching up a little bit. This season will look a bit different without our normal kick-off, but we still have many ways to stay connected. #Run4Water #WhyIRun Be a partner for clean water: https://timn.me/2Kx7NEr During my run the rain slowed down to a light most for a bit then it decided to pick-up again towards the end. In spite of the rain it was warm enough that I didn’t need…