Expanding The Meaning Of Running For Water

Expanding The Meaning Of Running For Water

So this morning, after making it about a quarter of a mile from home, I realized I had forgotten to grab my water when I walked out the door. At that point I really didn’t feel like going back home and starting my run over. The first half of the run was OK, but the second half was a bit more of a struggle without my water, making my #Run4Water mean even more than normal. As I continued through my run, #WhyIRun was at the forefront of my mind. My struggle doesn’t even compare to the daily struggle for clean water that those in Sierra Leone, Africa face. I had the benefit of a virtually unlimited supply of water waiting for me after the run….
Focusing On Others Through The Run

Focusing On Others Through The Run

During this time when the best course is staying at home away from others as much as possible focusing on #WhyIRun and the people of Sierra Leone keep me going. if you let yourself get stuck on focusing on yourself you’ll start to get even more overwhelmed and selfish. When you focus on others in need you realize how blessed you truly are and can use that to help others as God intended for us. #HWI #Run4Water
Kicking Off The Week Strong

Kicking Off The Week Strong

My training plan slowed my pace down this week. I suspect since my last Thursday evaluation run involved some pretty icy sidewalks that it affected the outcome of my training plan. I felt really good even after taking this past Saturday off. It’s definitely been harder staying with it since I’m pretty disconnected from my Hope Water Team these days. I’m glad I got out there this morning to knock out some miles for clean water. #HWI #Run4Water #WhyIRun
Today Started Out Good, But Ended With Me Dropping Facebook Officially

Today Started Out Good, But Ended With Me Dropping Facebook Officially

This morning I ran 5+ miles. It was a great time of prayer and thinking of the people in Sierra Leone and being concerned that with #COVID-19 putting people out of work will raising money for more wells be put at risk. #HWI #Run4Water #WhyIRun The day ended with me deactivating my Facebook account, with no real intent on returning, out of frustration with people that call themselves Christ followers, people that I once called friends. Their behavior towards the pandemic makes them appear like they have little regard for human life, or caring about others more than themselves. I think what’s even worse than jumping the Facebook ship is the fact that a lot of these people are also connected with my running group,…