Completed My First Marathon…
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Completed My First Marathon…

Today was a pretty big day for me. I completed my first ever marathon. It was a tough day, with the down pouring rain, wind gusts of 20 some miles per hour, and getting cramps in my legs that slowed me down, I ended the race pretty discouraged. Not to mention I ended up having to be taken to the medic tent after crossing the finish line, which was something my running partner and I had talked about not wanting to have happen to us. Let’s just say it was a pretty humbling experience. I’m so thankful for all of the encouragement from the many Hope Water International runners the kept encouraging me on the way to the finish line. I especially appreciate Ron Bussa and Nick…
Who’s Your Best Friend?
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Who’s Your Best Friend?

When you simply hang out together … when you carve out time for your most important relationship… when you make a point of sharing the little day-to-day moments… the results of that in your marriage are profound. – Biblical Secrets to a Happy Marriage This morning during my devotions time I was challenged with how I think about my wife. I’d heard other couples talking about their spouse being their best friend but I’d never really given it much thought myself and sort thought friends were in a different group than my wife. My best friend was a guy that I have served with in ministry for years and was the best man in my wedding. However if there is anyone in my life that should…
Hard Working Weekend, Deck Progress Was Made
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Hard Working Weekend, Deck Progress Was Made

Besides an awesome 5K training group run with the HWI Team Daybreak on Saturday it was pretty much a deck building weekend. I spent most of the day Saturday completing the deck support base. And on Sunday I was able to get cracking on screwing down the deck board. I completed half the deck. I put the patio furniture on the finished area just to feel a little bit more sense of accomplishment. I was really hoping to get it all finished this weekend but I’ll be plugging away at the second half this week. Hopefully i’ll have it completed by or during next weekend.
Extended Family Holiday Weekend
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Extended Family Holiday Weekend

Had a great extended weekend with the family. Loved having the extra day and enjoyed many fun activities. It started Friday night with my wife and I renting and watching The Shack. Saturday was a busy day starting off with the HWI group run followed by getting supplies and materials to build a deck out back. On Sunday we enjoyed a great Sunday message as a campfire with the family, mother in-law, and father in-law. Monday we had a great morning at the Jenison Memorial Day Parade with the kids. Mom (i.e. Vanessa) was in the parade for the Saturday Slip & Slide so Dad (i.e. me) was in charge of getting the kids a good spot for candy collection. 😉 We wrapped up the rest…