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The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly…

Well, yes I’m finally posting to the blog again. Trips tend to take me out of the blog-o-sphere. Well, sorry to disappoint many, but this is going to be a short one tonight. I’m not quite out of the dark on the sick feeling that hit me yesterday, pretty close though. The Good: Had a good time with my family and got to hang out with two of my best friends growing up. It’s interesting to see where we are all at now in life. John’s all married with a baby on the way. Sounds like they’ll be doing some moving around in the years to come. I really hope John’s finds the job he’s really looking for. Jeff is still as quirky as every….
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My life is in the machine…

Well, I’m dead tired and I’m sitting here with a dead machine. I’m feeling the curse of the dry winter air. I walked up to my laptop at work today and zap. I thought that I got by lucky as I was able to start it up and work on it awhile, can’t remember how long. When I got to my parents tonight I found that after about 15 minutes of use the machine locks up tight. I’m having serious doubts it’s just a software issue. It’s not the new 1GB stick of memory, as I’ve tried running with that pulled, so that’s good I guess. Now I’m stuck with what to do next. I’ve got so many things I need to use that thing…
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Life’s Lows…

No worries, things are good I just seem to be suffering from some social withdrawal. That being said God is working on my patience, thank goodness. I’m fighting my mind daily, but it’s been those times God has given me the ability to just give it to Him. Something that is interesting, I’ve been have some interesting dreams. These dreams have been about the same general thing. It seems like these have been dreams that God has brought to mind to reveal something to me that I didn’t realize was there. Basically I’ve had some recentment about something. I’ve asked for forgiveness for this. Something else that God has shown me is why I’ve not been content over the years staying in one place. I…

I Hate Internet Explorer…Down With Microsoft!

Ok, I just realized why someone told me they couldn’t find my blogroll. Internet Explorer doesn’t like my blog. So now I have more work to do on my blog to fix the IE bugs. Yeah, everyone thinks Microsoft products help you get more work done, blah, only if your loaded so you can buy all the MS crap. http://www.vanwensveen.nl/rants/microsoft/IhateMS.html http://members.tripod.com/~hatems/
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A Day of Blessings…

Well today has been such a full day of blessings. The sermon this morning, given by President Egge, was on generosity and not just about giving money, but the generosity that Christ showed to all through time & help. It was really good to hear about being generous in all areas of your life, following Christ’s example. Our LifeShapes study was excellent as well. Today we went through the hexagon, which focuses on prayer, and using the Lord’s Prayer as the model. While it gace and guideline, it also showed the vast ways that guideline can be worked out in our prayer life. Something that has brought me more in tune to a better prayer life is being open to the Holy Spirit’s leading in…