
Something to Ponder…

Devotions this morning says, as Christians, we should not be thinking “I can’t”, at least in following God’s direction. This is so very true, Jesus pointed out what little faith we have, and how little faith it takes to even move a mountain. I think of the times I have thought, “I just can’t do this”, because of circumstances in my life. Shame on me if I’m failing to follow God’s leading. This lead into a four week study on marriage & family. It mentions that a woman ought not to even think about getting involved with a man that isn’t interested in working & obeying God. “Manhood is more than the ability to wear pants. It’s the ability to take devine truth and make…
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Being Apart of a Community of Faith…

I know it’s late but I had to share a little of what happened today. I had the privilege today to talk with my boss, Todd M., about some exciting ideas of establishing a community of faith. He has been leading a group on Sundays, which I am apart of, and Wednesdays. We’re studying “The Passionate Life” and the Life Shapes. What is more we all have a desire to get away from the model of “doing church”, but being apart of a group of believers that is missional & relational, where Christ’s design for the “church” is lived out in our daily lives. I yearn to be building relationships that are about kingdom work not just self-fullfilling. At the lowest level of this community…

Forgive Me…

I wrote this some time ago. I can’t find my recording of it so looks like I may be re-recording it. Forgive Me Words & Music by Timothy J Nolte V1: Oh Lord, I had walked with You. You guided me, You led my feet. I let go of Your guiding hand, And slowly drifted away. Chorus: Oh Lord, please forgive me. Oh Lord, I need You in my life. Oh Lord, please forgive me. Oh Lord, I give to You my life. V2: Oh Lord, I saw Your servant work, Your wondrous power, Your healing words. I felt Your calling in my heart, And I yearned to serve. V3: I come to You a broken man, I fall before Your Holy throne. In Your…
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A Post, A Post, At Last A Post

So what have we been up to, well when I say we I mean me. So life has been a little crazy this past week, although I don’t expect it to calm down anytime soon. I’ve got a lot of things to do by this weekend. I’ve got a load of photos to scan and some more video to import. I don’t think I’ll be getting the Cantata CD’s done by Christmas, oh well. Ok I guess I’m getting a little ahead of myself. How about we go back to last week. So my last post was Wednesday. That night was youth group and the whole youth praise team was there to lead music. We were even able to get everything setup in the fellowship…

Ugh…It’s 4:11 am…What’s That Smell

So this morning was A LOT early than I was planning on getting up. Darn dog decided to take a dump in my room. I think I’m going to have to borrow the carpet shampooer from my parents this weekend. Had to clean that all up, I still think I’m smelling that dog poo stench, and I’m not even in the room (I’m downstairs, in the Living Room). Well just thought I’d share that…ugh…I feel sick. Pets, sometimes you love ’em, sometimes you don’t.
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Full Days…

So I didn’t really get off to a good start this morning. Basically my whole sleeping schedule has been thrown off. Tomorrow I will be forcing myself to get up when the alarm goes off. The day turned out pretty excellent however. The Bible study I had with a couple of youth guys really revealed a wrong attitude I had about the weekend coming up. I find it can be frustrating to see people treat others with such disrespect, especially when we are talking about Christians. I guess it is easy to hold Christians up to a higher standard. This is right and wrong. While we should expect Christian to be doing what’s right in the eyes of the Lord, we also need to show…