What Is A Church?

As given to me by someone else: A church is a local expression of the global and historical body of Christ where: ¬∑ People intentionally share life together. It is a spiritual community where life‚Äôs resources are joined together, people are expected and are equipped to be vulnerable and accountable with one another, and the community and the needs of those inside and outside the community are met. (Acts 4:32-34, 2:42-47) ¬∑ Worship is experienced. God is central, God‚Äôs worth is lifted high, and Jesus is worship as God. It brings people into the meeting of heaven and earth, and calls the believer to live life for the reality that awaits. (Romans 12:1-2, Rev.4:5-21) ¬∑ Ministry takes place. Ministry is a natural outpouring and result…

God Confirms It

So I just got done reading my devotional this morning. Wouldn’t you know the subject was exactly part of what I was talking about last night. The “normal” life, or balanced life as the devotional put. Christ’s life, as well as the disciples, was anything but normal or balanced. When it comes to meeting the spiritual needs of others, and doing the things that really count, normality isn’t the way to operate. How refreshing it is to have some good quality time to let God fill me for the day, Amen!
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The Time Has Come…

Well, for those that have long awaited a post to thie fabulous blog, here we go. This will probably be a short one. So much has been going on since my last post, actually a lot happened through December that I didn’t even get time to write about. I’m really looking forward to life settling down a bit. The first day of youth group begins tomorrow, and we had are first youth praise team meeting today, since Christmas that is. Tonight we just came up with a list of songs we want to do this winter/spring. I’ll be putting together the set lists and get them all the songs. I’ve even created a schedule that will be available online as well. I’m looking forward to…

Love Your Enemies…

Matthew 5:44 – So I happened to read a regular text entry on a Podcast that I subscribe to. This Podcast is like an audiobook, actually this is his second book. Well it would seem his site, with posts and comments, was hacked. This in and of itself isn’t a huge deal, except for the fact that the person doing the hacking is claiming to be apart of the cummunity of believers in Intelligent Design. It rather has me annoyed at how twisted people’s thinking get when it comes to their beliefs. How any true Christian can think that by attacking the non-Christian masses is going to be an effective witness is beyond me. How many converts did the Crusades see? I’m sure there were…

Updates Coming Soon…Hopefully Very Soon

Well, I’m going to try to tackle a big catch-up. I’ve got some dishes calling me, but afterwards, the blogging continues. Yeah so I’m been a little lax in the blog-o-sphere. Trying to get myself back in the groove of everything. Be back soon…Oh, I’ve got some new Christmas photos in the gallery…at least they are in the progess of uploading…