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We All Need Support From Others

Today God opened my eyes to the current state of my life, and the need for the support of people who love me. It can be the most humbling thing to ask for help, I have felt that tonight. My inability to say no, and my drive to please the world, have brought me to a place where many aspects of my life have suffered. I haven’t had the time needed for quality time building relationships that count. If committed to things and let people down. I’ve let the things that I’m doing push out my time with the Lord. I felt the affects of all of this. I have two special people that love me and continue to look out for me. I’ve let…

Where’s My 48 Hour Day?

The semi-circle, working from rest, following your purpose, and bringing calm to life. It seems nearly impossible to not get caught up in the crazy & busy world we live in. Even in ministry there seems to more things to do, or that could be done, then there is time. None of these things are bad, and it feels like they are so important. In the whole scope of it all, the things we spend our time on can feel pointless in terms of enternity. I have things I would like to do for myself, but those things tend to get put aside so that I can try to “do it all” for others. It seems like a blessing and a curse. And then you…

Just A Short One

Well, here I am in the wee hours of the night. So the pleasant act of IMing and playing music caught me up tonight. I pretty much got my taxes done, and it looks like a good tax return. Too bad I have debt, I go out any buy one of them fancy 5G iPods, 🙂 Well, I’m hoping in the next couple of years to have all the small debt paid off. Then it’ll just be down to the big stuff like the car & house. I didn’t get my devotions in this morning like I had hoped, was up too late again of course. However, I wasn’t going to let my day go by without spending some time in the Word. So I…
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Hoping to Get Back in The Groove…

Something that came up at our Life Shapes meeting this morning, was the subject of mission. This is something that I’ve been sort of struggling with, in that I’m trying to determine what my mission should be. I think this brings me back to the Purpose Driven Life. I have felt, for a long time, that my heart is for youth. This has been what has drawn me to my years working at Inspiration Point, and my current involvement with the Bethel youth. I’m not sure how the Missional Community of Faith and my heart for youth might be tied together. This is something that I’ll be looking for God’s direction in, as is life in general. Well, this is just s short post. Let’s…
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When The Well Runs Dry…

That title actually has a couple of meaning this morning. As I drove myself to work this morning it kind of hit how spiritually dry I feel today. This comes from the lack of reading and morning quite time I’ve had for most of the week. Oh how I long for those days of having a couple hours before I head off to work to enjoy the morning and spend some time in the word. And to the times I had to read a chapter in a good book before I drifted off to sleep. These are things I’m really hoping to get back in my routine. It’s basically come to light that I am a total creature of habit/routine. Once I can get into…