“The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.”

“The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.”

(Matthew 9:37) Why does it seem that the spiritual needs of people in this world vastly out-weigh the human resources? Why does it seem as though the Christian community (church global) continue to fail in it’s ministry to the world we live in? Where is our faith, is it so small that it has rendered our witness useless? Am I the only one out here that has his hearting breaking every time I see the brokenness of this world? How do we truely make a global impact for Christ in this world? God, give me Your guidance and wisdom, help me to be the kind of Christian You call us to be. Keep my eyes open, and give me the courage to share Your message…
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Busy Days, Lazy Nights…

Just wanted to make a quick post. My days, Monday & Tuesday, were crazy busy. On the other hand both evenings were kind of lazy on my part. Monday I did try working on recording some music. That would have been better if I ended up actually having something to show for the time I spent. I sort of had something, probably was trying to add in some percussion loops to what I had recorded. I ended up having my own timing on what I recorded. Well, of course I didn’t save each take as a seperate recording session, GarageBand still seems a bit odd to work with at times. Last night I just worked on trying to update some software both on the podcast…
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Weekend of Rest and Learning

Well, I have to say that it has been a pretty nice weekend of rest. I know that I haven’t been as regular in the blog posts. I’m still going to have to work to remedy that. I’ve actually half thought about adding an audio component to my regular blog. Since I’ve got this podcasting equipment it seems a shame to only be using it once a week. Also, I’ve gotten so many comments about my voice, why wouldn’t people want to sit and listen to me ramble. LOL 😛 I’m pretty sure I haven’t mentioned it, cause it’s been a few days since my last post, but on Thursday I had the opportunity to place a Skype call to Africa. I used a piece…
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A Little Life Update…

Well, I have to say that life is still kind of up and down for me. I’m beginning to realize that being busy is probably in my nature. As I think back to my high school and college days, I remember being a pretty active guy. And to think I have shy tendencies, lol. I would have to say I’m far from being the guy in the middle, I’m the guy that is at both extremes at the same time. What and interesting combination that brings, lol. I’m finding it nice to pretty much have all my projects for people done. I’ve got another that will be starting, a missionary promo, but I don’t expect that to tak too much time. My big project, that…

Another Quick Note…Podcasting Has Begun…

Well, the first official Faith Shaping podcast has been created and published. I’ve still got some work to do with submitting the feed to all the podcast directories. The podcast actually ended up being a 20 minute episode. After listening to it I have some things to improve on but it seems to have gone pretty well. Check it out and give me your feedback. https://www.faithshaping.org/

Quick Note…

Well, today I got one more project off the list, YES! I kind of waivered between my final project and the Faith Shaping project today. It was so hard to resist not working on the Faith Shaping stuff. You can check out the progress of the project at https://www.faithshaping.org/. I did repost my test recording on that site. Once I get going and actually have my first real episode recorded I will be submitting to iTunes, so you’ll be able to find it in their directory as well. I’m definitely open to suggestions on this project so feel free to pop on over there and comment, or here too. Well, it’s late so I’m calling it a night. Wanted to a least get a quick…