Only A Weekly Post It Would Seem?

So what takes up so much of Mr. Tim’s time that he cane only find the time once a week to post on his bloody blog? That’s a good question. While it would seem that in an effort to simplify my I’ve managed to make it slightly bit more complicated. What is the one greatest thing that can complicate a man’s life? Take a guess, and I’ll only give you one try. A woman always complicates life, and yes that has what’s complicated mine. And you know what, I say bring on the complication and piles of it! I know some of you are aware of this special someone in my life, and you are all dying to meet her. Well, I’m dying for everyone…
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What’s The Latest?

Well, so what ever happened to the daily wisdom that I would bring to this thing they call the internet or blog-o-sphere? Well, sometimes life just makes a lot of demands on our time that we just can’t do anything about. Today I managed to finally get the new Faith & Fellowship Bookstore website online. This has been a long awaited task. There are some features that still need to be put in place but things changed along the way that will cause those things to require a different approach. On the personal front, things between Vanessa and I got all straightened out Monday night. It was a rather mixed up mess that we got ourselves in but it was definitely a growing point in…

Big L is Me…

So I’m the biggest loser on the face of the earth. How could I be so foolish and self-involved to not take one moment to connect with someone I care so much about? I’m unworthy to have someone in my life that cares for me when I can hurt them in this way. I call out to Lord for His foregivess, and even more I call out to her, the one I care so deeply for, Vanessa, for her forgiveness. Yes, I’m sharing with the world that knows me about how I feel about Vanessa, and how I’ve so foolishly let her down. Maybe you think she’ll get over it, but why should she. She has ever right to be upset with me, and question…
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When God Calls for Patience…

I’ve been caught up tonight in some major Google searching. “For what” you may ask, “where is God leading me?”. The realm of my searching was community of faith, postmodern youth outreach, and reading some about the idea of the emergent church. What does this all mean? I have no clue. I feel an urgency to move (not just location), and for making great changes in my life. I’m searching to find out what’s next. I’m finding that perhaps God is calling me also to be patient and let Him reveal this change to me in His time. I kind of feel like it’s a bit cruel to be called in such a way but then asked to wait. I know, of course God is…
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When God Moves…

Well, I have a feeling if I just let things start to fly this post might get rather lengthy. Hmm, hold on to your hat. 🙂 So today was sort of a struggle for me. The part of my job that I like the least is having to sit at a computer and correct people’s addresses, or add them to a mailing list, yuck. I’m finding I’ve become bored with the whole thought of doing data entry. The things I always like about computers and technology in general are making them do cool new things. Also not just do cool things, but things that can help people better accomplish their work. Well, I’m at a loss to know any better, or cool, way to get…
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God’s Amazing Work

So I know that I haven’t been so good about keeping up my blog posts on a regular basis. It’s kind of amazing how even when life seems to settle down you don’t have time foe some of the simple things. I guess one issue I’ve been facing lately is not being able to get to sleep early, and getting up early. It just has kind of thrown things off a bit. I guess the other part of my lack of blogging is the fact that I’ve started the podcast as well. Even more is how much God has been doing in my life, which has kind of kept me from blogging. Like the fact that I have someone special that is apart of my…