
Just Another Quick One

So it won’t be long, of course it’s getting late again. Well I think I can count like 5 books I’m now in the process of reading…probably going to add another couple more before the month even starts I think. I’m sort of overwhelmed, but at the same time I’m kind of happy to actually be doing some reading. When I was a lot younger I used to read a lot. I remember buying books from the book clubs all the time. In those days I read some fantasy books, but I read a lot of mystery type books. Some of those that topped the list were the Hardy Boys and books that had X-Files type stories in them. The books I’m reading now aren’t…
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What Has Today Brought?

I’d haveto say that all-in-all it was a decent day. I would have preferred to get a bit farther along in my data-entry, I spent a good portion of the day generating mailing lists. I would have to say that about the best parts of today were getting up early and having some good devotion time and breakfast before I headed off to work. I think both of those things have proven to make my mornings more productive. This evening wasn’t too bad. I didn’t get quite as much accomplished tonight as I had hoped but I did manage to have a rather tasty steak and potato supper, I also began creating an actual budget I hope to be sticking by. This was a huge…

Unashamed Love

You’re calling me to lay aside the worries of my day To quiet down my busy mind and find a hiding place Worthy, Worthy I open up my heart and let my spirit worship Yours I open up my mouth and let a song of praise come forth Worthy, You are worthy Of a child-like faith And of my honest praise And of my unashamed love Of a holy life And of my sacrifice And of my unashamed love