
Is God Patient?

(Exodus 4:10-18) Interesting question, it would seem that in this passage in Exodus, that Moses wore out God’s patience. It clearly describes that God became angery with Moses when he refused to follow what God was calling him to. This doesn’t mean that God is completely impatient, however it does go to show that He will work with us for a time and perhaps arrange something entirely different to get us moving. We are stuborn people, if God simply waited on us none of His plans would come to pass I suspect. Are we choosing to live in a manner that continues to try God’s patience, or are we desiring to please Him with how we live our lives? I would hope and pray that…
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Your Attention Please…

(Exodus 3:1-5) So God used a burning bush to get Moses attention. What does He use today to get our attention. I’m reminded of something a pastor said recently, “can we hear God’s whisper in this loud world?”, can we? The world that we live in is definitely busier and louder than in Biblical times. It took a burning bush even then to get Moses attention. Are we ready and willing to hear the whisper of God as He speaks to us? One of my favorite songs right now is “Praise You in This Storm” and part of the chorus goes: As the thunder rolls, I barely hear your whisper through the rain, “I’m with you” That thunder is the things of this world, and…

Women’s Roles in Church

(1 Corinthians 14:26-40) So as read the topic title for my devotions this morning I thought “Ah, something good today about worship”, but as I got to the third paragraph I couldn’t believe what I was reading. This is what is says: “(33b) As in all the congregations of the saints, (34) women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the Law says. (35) If they want to inquire about something, they should ask their own husbands at home; for it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in the church.” As I read those words I found a passage that seems to be used in many church, even my own historically. The thing…

Where’s The Line…Freedom in Christ or Good Witness

(1 Corinthians 14:13-25) In my devotion time today, Paul was again talking to the church in Corinth about matters of witness to unbelievers and escentially the freedom found in Christ. The problem for the early church, and I would say that this problem has not gone away, was that for the unbelievers (or even weak or new in faith) there were things that they didn’t understand which easily turned them off to Christianity. The hard part comes in that God has called us, as Christians, to be different than this world. While we are to be different we are also to do so, not in a way that turns people away, but in a way that draws other to Christ. There comes decisions which have…

When God Says Move…You Sell Your House

So yes that’s a rather yuk-yuk pun. Just giving a little update as to the latest in the saga called my life. Oh, and don’t take that the wrong way, it was only ment in a rather sarcastic way. So on with it…I received my first offer on my house. It really isn’t what I’m hoping to get. The reality is if I was desperate I might take it, however that is not the case. I just can’t accept an offer that won’t give me the ability to actually make the move to Michigan. I know that it all needs to be left in God’s hands, and I’m not the greatest salesman, however I don’t really agree that I should intentionally take a hit on…
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Everything In It’s Time

For me as a Christian, it seems that one of the things I struggle with most is leaving things in God’s hands. I don’t know if part of my struggle is because I’m a man, and I feel the uncontrollable urge to fix things and have eveything planned out. When I don’t know God’s plan, and how can any of us know it really, I realize I fall into the sin of worry. I think it’s probably the worst when I truly desire to leave my life in God’s hands and trust in His plans for it. It think we too, I know I do, fail in having the secret desire of want God’s will for our lives to be what we desire. Above all,…