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Not To Be Concerned…

I want to thank those of you that expressed concern for me because of my protected post. It’s so amazing to know that there are so many people that care about how I’m doing. I want to assure you all that things are simply amazing right now. I know that most of you don’t really know Vanessa, but I hope that you will get to meet her some day, but for me she is the most amazing woman I know. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think of her and feel so completely blessed by God for how He brought us together. She has an amazing way of always making my days brighter. To see her smile always brings me joy….

Another Day With My Thoughts…

Well, I think the unfortunate thing is that I’ve lost my amazing blog audience. I can really only blame myself of course. Let’s see, the very fact that I’ve barely had a weekly update, er, ok so it’s barely made it to be a bi-monthly update. Well, on to my continued thoughts. I think the crazy thing is I finally had to come to the reality that I need to let things go. It can be so easy for me to get worked up about something, and in the end it really isn’t very significant in the whole scope of things. What benefit is there to let myself get all worked up to the point where I can’t get to sleep and my mind just…

Where Does Our Witness Begin?

As I sat here thinking about how to safely write my thoughts, I began to be reminded of the life of Christ and his actions. I’m thinking of how he was viewed by those around him. Is it not true that Christ did things that were against the culture of the times, or at least things that caused people to question his actions? He had meals with those that the spiritual leaders wouldn’t dare find themselves in the company of. I guess at the moment the only examples that come to mind are those where he interacted with people that most wouldn’t. I guess my ultimate question is where is the line drawn where we can live in the freedom we have in Christ verses…

Latest Life Update…

Well a little more time has past since my last blog post. I actually had an idea the other day about starting a picture of the day posting, along with a brief highlight of the day. It would be a way to give you a little visual into this new point in my life, and a way to get some regular updates going again. I think the reason that my postings have become more rare than they started out to be is the fact that I have someone in my life that I can so easily share my thoughts with. I guess I just don’t feel quite so lonely, as I did before. I know that I always had friends that I could call and…

Can I Make A Weekly Update?

Well, so it’s been almost 2 weeks since my last post. I think I need to do something about this. In no way have I gotten tired of the whole blog scene, it’s just that my life has changed so much. I’m still finding my way back to something that feels normal. Everything here still seems pretty new. I remember that it took a few months for me to establish some normalcy my first year of college. Everything was brand new for me, and it was hard to begin with. Don’t get me wrong, I haven’t felt sad that I’m here, I do miss seeing so many people but I have been able to chat briefly with so many of you. If anyone ever wants…
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The Invisible Man Speaks!

OK, folks. So it has been a rather long time since I last posted. Let’s just say that my life has been a little busy. Last week on Monday I started my new job. My official title is Associate Network Planning Engineer, isn’t that a mouth full. I work on a team that develops tools to help track the cellular network and help to plan for expansion. The crazy thing about last Monday was that even though I was starting no one there that day really knew that I was starting. The guys I work with got the emails that morning about me starting. The IT deptartment wasn’t very happy as they hadn’t even begun working on getting me a computer. I basically had not…