Warning: Google Video Not Safe

So, I just wanted to post this out there to warn anyone that I know. I decided to check out what was new with Google Video and took a look by the Top 100 list. To my horror I found that, at least by the description, that Google Video is not safe from a content perspective. The top videos had some sort of sexual or perhaps even pornographic description. One nice thing is that Google does provide a way to report a movie because of this type of issue, however there still isn’t any safe way to browse Google Video. They even list in their FAQ that they dont’ have SafeSearch working yet for Google Video. This is a huge mistake on their part I…
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Dance, Dance, Dance…

I know that I haven’t posted in awhile. And I know that my last post, that some may have seen, was a not ans exciting life update post. I haven’t forgotten about the blog world, life just sometimes gets away from you. My podcasting days come back to mind every now and then too. I really think that if I’m going to get back into the podcasting I need to come up with a solid plan for organizing each show. Vanessa and I have just completed the 4th week of our dance class. We’ve learned both the waltz and the foxtrot so far. We had so much fun tonight, especially whiel practicing before class at my house. I love all the laughter we share. We’re…
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My Beautiful Birthday Girl

On Saturday I had the pleasure to take my very special girl, Vanessa, out for a dinner cruise on Lake Michigan. We enjoyed a beautiful sunset, dinner, and a little dancing. I enjoyed every moment celebrating the day with Vanessa. I don’t know if I can really express how much I care for her. I can honestly say that I don’t think I can imagine a life without her. I’m always in awe at how great God is to have brought us together. A year ago I never would have thought I’d be living in Michigan and have such an amazing woman in my life. Life has been a little out of the ordinary lately. I ran sound again this week for Splash, it was…

Days of Dancing

I happy to say that the dancing seems to be going really well. We had our first class last night and we even got a little practice in tonight. Actually, funny enough Vanessa gave me a call tonight right as I was trying to work out some of the dance moves myself. She came over to my place to join me in some practicing. We had so much fun just working on the steps and laughing with each other. I really can’t help but smile as I look into Vanessa eyes as I lead her while we dance. So the verdict comes in, a German man & a Dutch woman can dance together. 😉 Things have been quite crazy as of late. Last week starting…

Quick…New Calendar

Thx Google for all the neat tools they keep pumping out. I’m now using Google Calendar slightly integrated into my blog. Should work ok. I’m feeling the itch to get back into blogging and podcasting…we’ll see what the schedule brings. I’m also thinking it might be time for a WordPress upgrade and site redesign/makeover. I may even go so far as bridge the gap between my blog site on the Tim blog. Perhaps I’ll bring the designs of the two inline with each other and distribute the content logically between them as well. We’ll see what I feel like doing, let alone have time for. I’ve been feeling for some time that my blog site really kind of got out of hand with so much…