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It’s Late…But a Couple of Updates.

This is going to have to be short, I need to get ready for bed. Life’s been pretty great, but busy too. Vanessa and I have been busy planning wedding details and starting to get things ready at her place for me to move in. It’s tax season and I got my taxes all done and submitted last week. On the bad side my MN taxes are under review I guess, just got a not about it today. It doesn’t say that I’m being audited , but they sent me a questionnaire about my MI residency, perhaps they couldn’t believe that I’d think about moving to MI. 😛 jk Last week my PowerBook was sent off to Apple for a little repair. I also ordered…

Our Purpose…to Glorify God…So Are We?

While I read my devotions this morning I was faced with the question “Am I Glorifying God with my life?”. What does that look like? I want nothing more than to be in God’s will everyday of my life. How is this playing out in my work life, or in my relationship with Vanessa? What I hope for today is to begin a process of evaluating each day in light of God’s purpose for my life. My life is best kept in His hands and not my own.

Haven’t Posted in Awhile…

I haven’t posted in awhile, something I must work on as usual. Seems like these days I’m so terrible with keeping in touch with people. This isn’t the way I’ve wanted it to be. I seem to constantly struggle between holding on to the life I once led and pushing forward with the new life God has given me. As this new year has begun I’ve had some opportunities to reflect on my life, and how God has changed it in a huge way. A little over a year ago I would have never guessed that within the next year God would bring an amazing woman into my life and lead me to change almost my entire life. God is so good, and faithful beyond…

I’m Bad With Relationships…

I just can’t seem to understand why I’m so bad with keeping good relationships. Is it so hard to just pickup the phone? I can only figure that I’ve been so used to have so much time on my own that when I’m not with Vanessa I just feel like doing my own thing. At the same time and can’t wait for the next time to spend with Vanessa. I can’t wait for our trip to MN to see so many that I haven’t seen for so long. At times I feel like I’m constantly torn between the relationships that I’ve seem to have left behind and trying to start new relationships here. I’ve never been very good with the whole thing of keeping in…