
Long Time Gone…

Well, it seems that once I get out of sync with something it can be like pulling teeth to get back into it. It pretty much began when I moved out here to Michigan that my online presence started to fade a little. Since I’ve gotten married it’s been even less. I think what has happened is that when I was just a single guy there was not really anyone much to protect. I could pretty much voice my opinion and share my feelings about anything to the entire world without much fear of the consequences. Things are very different now. I have a wife to protect. This isn’t a bad thing. I’d protect her from anything I could, she’s my wife, I love her…

Update, Long Overdue…

I’ve been married now for about 2.5 months. Married life has been what I hoped and more, some good and some challenging. We’ve gotten into more of a routine now, but not so much that life isn’t interesting. We’ve been trying to work on the house. A few weekends ago we put up gutters. That was an interesting job, with some challenges, but it’s all good. We’ll be doing some yard work in another few weeks. Once the grass grows back I think we’ll have a pretty nice front yard. Work has been going pretty good. The past couple of weeks I feel as though I’ve gotten nothing really accomplished, at least nothing that anyone can see. I began building a MapServer and learning the…

Wedding Photos Available…and a Quick Update

Well, I know that I haven’t posted in awhile. Married life has changed things quite a bit for me, altough I know that even before being married I was lacking in the post, oops. Just some quick updates. Photos from the wedding are available (http://photos.noltefamily.org/), hopefully we’ll get some honeymoon photos posted soon. The honeymoon was amazing and life now is beginning to find some normalcy. I’m loving being married, especially to have a wife as amazing as Vanessa. We had such a great evening together last night! I know there are many of you that haven’t met her yet, but I really hope that you can sometime. Well, I need to be heading to work soon here. I’ll try to get something more posted…

First Work Morning, in the New Place…

So really yesterday was my first morning waking up in my new home, however this is the first morning that my work morning routine begins to take shape (at least until we return from our honeymoon). I’m going to have to keep this short for now. These past couple of weeks, and now this week, have been amazing for my morning devotions. I struggled at the beginning of the year to want to go through one of the devotionals I had because I had already been through it a couple years ago. The amazing thing is over the course of the last couple of weeks, and now this one, the devotional readings have all been about marriage. This week talks about life after the honeymoon,…
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Have I Forgotten?

I know that morning will come too soon, I’ve got to be to work by 5am, but once again I find myself searching. I love how God is always tugging at me and wanting to stretch, and most of all asking me to continue on the path towards Him. Something that has been pulling at me for the past month is my concern that I’ve began living my life for myself. I struggle with Paul’s warning against getting married, and I can see already how my life is about to change. I will no longer have the freedom I once did to serve God and think of nothing else. I’m getting married in a little over 2 weeks and I will have someone in my…
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Far And Few Between…

I know it can only be a quick one. I can’t believe it’s been over a month since my last post. I remember the days when I could barely posting only single entry each day on my blog. I’m really thinking once life settles down a little, that I really want to get back into at least giving some updates with what Vanessa and I are up to. Only 19 more days until I’ll be a married man! I really can hardly believe it. And the thing that seems even more amazing is that I’m going to be marrying an unbelievable and amazing woman like Vanessa. I only wish that it was easier for everyone that I know from back in MN to have the…