
What is The Reason of it All?

It’s been forever since I actually posted something on my blog. I’m not even sure why I’ve kept it around for so long. I guess perhaps I thought I would return again to blogging someday. What with things like Facebook there almost isn’t a reason to have your own blog anymore. One probably good thing is the fact that not many people visit here any more so perhaps I can just make this post without it stirring up a lot of issues. I have been married for a little over 2 years now. It’s crazy because it doesn’t even seem like it’s been that long. I’ve been living in MI now for 3 years. These past 3 years have had their share of ups and…

The First Disciples

(John 1:35-39) We see here that John the Baptist had disciples of his own. Actually, later in the Scriptures, Jesus gives us the great commission to go and make disciples. Now the disciples that John had were following him, until they heard and saw Jesus. Really, it was John that pointed his followers to go follow Jesus. Something that is interesting, however, is the fact that John calls Jesus the “Lamb of God”. This was pretty early in Jesus main ministry and I wonder how many people really understood what that meant? Jesus being called the “Lamb of God” really meant that he was a sacrifice given by God. At the time most people were waiting for a Messiah to come and save them, but…

John Confirms Jesus

(John 1:29-34) So, John didn’t know Jesus really, other than what God had revealed to him. However, the key things that God revealed to him was how he would recognize who Jesus was. We see here that Jesus came to John to be baptized. Even though, as far as John was concerned, he wasn’t worthy to baptize Jesus that is what Jesus required of him. He did this and then John saw first hand the Holy Spirit come down onto Jesus, and this was exactly what God had told John would happen. At that point John had no doubt at all that this was Jesus. He told everyone what he had been told and experienced.

The Other John

(John 1:15-28) – One thing that can be confusing wen you are reading through the Scriptures is the fact that the same names are used in more than one context. Here we’re reading the book of John and right at the begin he begins talking about John. The John that is talked about here is actually John the Baptist who, if you read more of the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, & John) you’ll find out is actually Jesus cousin. Now John the Baptist was called by God to go ahead of Jesus and prepare people for his coming. John was a pretty wild looking guy and got pretty riled up when speaking about Jesus coming. Since he was baptizing people the Pharisees were pretty interested…

In The Beginning

(John 1:1-14) – John starts out describing a little about what the beginning was like. The Word was another name given to Jesus. It’s interesting that John starts out this way. It is very clear that the importance is placed on this description to setup the rest of the book. Jesus claimed he was God, was equal with God. The very fact that he also had the name of the Word and that these verses explain exactly was Jesus claimed is not insignificant. Jesus Christ always was and is equal to God the Father & God the Holy Spirit. John 1:12, this is a very popular verse. It explains the truth that all those that believe in Christ and follow Him become apart of God’s…

Been A Long Time

I haven’t posted on here for so long I’m sure no one is following me anymore. It’s crazy to think that there was a time when I was posting like everyday, sometimes twice. Things are of course different now. I think the thing is that when I was posting before it was all about what was going on in my life. Now my life is not just me but my wife also. I think if I put myself out here, I’m taking her along with me, and I don’t want that. The other problem seems to be finding the time. There are just a lot more important things, like my wife, than blogging. I do try to post little updates on my Facebook or Twitter,…