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When Life Get’s Busy, When Life Get’s Complicated

Well, it’s almost the end of the month, but getting a post in now will still technically meet my hope of once a month right. I don’t have a lot of time…ha that seems to fit in nicely with the title huh…anyways, as it goes things seem more complicated these days as well. I find that it is so easy to fill up life with so many things, and really I’m not even talking about time wasters either. This past week Vanessa and I celebrated out 4th anniversary, though it seems crazy that it has even been that long, time flies. What stinks though is that over the past few days I feel like I’ve hardly seen my wife. It really isn’t as bad as…
God’s Working
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God’s Working

In an effort to trying posting on a regular basis, here goes #2 for the year. 🙂 Recently over the course of a few weeks I applied for a job, got 2 intrviews and was offered a job. The job, in-and-of itself, I would have loved, however it would have come at a great financial cost to my family, which would have made it much harder to either adopt again or think about buying a new house. I think what was most important that came out of the whole situation was the realization that neither me or my family has any real goals or plans for our lives. God really brought that to light, and really made it apparent that without that sort of plan…
New Year

Not Been Forgotten…But Changes Coming

Writing a quick note that although my last post was 6 months ago I think it’s about time to make some changes. I’m not sure exactly the plan. I may just start working on bring this site up to speed and use it as my hub for both Twitter and Facebook. Some other possibilities might be to roll it into a new Family site or move it into a portfolio of work site. I’m not sure, but 1 thing is for sure that with all of the domain names and “sites” that I control I need to pay some attention to them once again…or at the very least set them up to be a launching point to my activities in the Social Media space. Well,…
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What’s in Store?

Well, I said that I was going to try and start blogging once again and I see it’s been like a month since my last post. Let’s just say life seems to be forever busy, not to say that life wasn’t busy back when I would blog up to 2 times a day, but things are busier. Now that I’m marriage and hopefully a baby on the way there is just more responsibilities. I think I’m coming to a point in my life where I’m having to really look hard at what is really most important. There are so many things I could be doing, and pretty much all good things. The thing that I wrestle with the most is that family comes first. What…
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Student Ministries

Going to make a quick post tonight. This is my second round of seeing my time come to an end working with a group of student guys. Crazy enough the last group of guys I had are just graduating college this year. For me, no matter what it seems so hard to not havve regrets. Wishing I had more deep conversations, spent more time hanging out, took more opportunities to serve together, and I’m sure the list could go on. What I trust and hope in was that God was able to use me exactly as He had intended. I may never know if I really had an impact in these guys’ lives, and may even doubt when I catch glimspes of their lives down…
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Dusting Off The Blog in The Corner

I’m going to keep this a little short as I’m actually typing this all out on my phone. I decided to try to consolidate and at the same time bring my old blog up-to-date and back into the picture. I haven’t really taken the time to blog in years. Going to perhaps pick things up again, while at the same time tie in my Twitter and facebook. We’ll see how it goes, not making any commitment, plus I can only type so long on my phone before nmy hands get tired. More to come later, hopefully.