Prayer, Faith, And Taking My Temperature

Prayer, Faith, And Taking My Temperature

“Faith is acting like something is so even when it is not so in order that it might be so simply because God said so.” — “Kingdom Prayer: Touching Heaven to Change Earth” by Tony Evans I’m not sure what I was all thinking about at the time I created this draft post but these words from the book are so excellent. Checking where my faith is at is a weekly, if not daily, thing.
Who’s Your Best Friend?
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Who’s Your Best Friend?

When you simply hang out together … when you carve out time for your most important relationship… when you make a point of sharing the little day-to-day moments… the results of that in your marriage are profound. – Biblical Secrets to a Happy Marriage This morning during my devotions time I was challenged with how I think about my wife. I’d heard other couples talking about their spouse being their best friend but I’d never really given it much thought myself and sort thought friends were in a different group than my wife. My best friend was a guy that I have served with in ministry for years and was the best man in my wedding. However if there is anyone in my life that should…
Mercy and Grace in Relationships
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Mercy and Grace in Relationships

“When we allow God’s love and mercy to flow through us to our spouse, we will find less conflict, more grace, quicker forgiveness and much more delight at home.” I know that too often, I jump to conclusions and assumptions instead of giving people, especially my wife, the benefit of the doubt. This an area that has produced far more conflict then it could have had I just executed a little grace and mercy first. We have a God that shows us far more grace, love, and mercy than we deserve. So it really goes without question that we need to attempt to do b the same in our relationships, especially with our spouse.
Garbage In, Garbage Out…Life Is Work
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Garbage In, Garbage Out…Life Is Work

To get good things out of your life, you have to first put good things in. [W]e don’t have a magic hat that allows us to pull something out of nothing. The positive character traits we seek can only result from a daily commitment to prioritize actions and decisions that please the Lord. I don’t know if it’s our American culture, our sinful nature, or something else entirely, but it seems that more often than not we want everything to be easy with little work or effort required. These lines from my devotional this morning speaks volumes into how we are to live, and how we shouldn’t be surprised when things don’t turn around so quickly for us. The reality is that pretty much all…