The Keyword is “Since” Not “If”

The Keyword is “Since” Not “If”

As a follow up to my previous post it’s important that we remember that everything we are called to do as a Christ follower is in the context of “since” and not “if”. What’s the difference? If we have the thinking, “if someone is doing ‘x’, or not doing ‘y’, they can’t be a believer”, we are basically inferring that someone has no faith or belief in Christ because of their actions. That’s a pretty big leap, and a sure fire way to further the view that Christians are righteous, judgemental, hippacrits, essentially modern day Pharisees. As we dig into the New Testament we’ll find it’s very clear that as a result of being, or “since” we are, Christ followers there should be a lot…
Wild Life: No One Gets The Master Plan, And No One Is Perfect
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Wild Life: No One Gets The Master Plan, And No One Is Perfect

I’ve known for a long time that I’m a perfectionist and a planner. This had always been both a strength and a great weakness for me. The major weakness is that I’m always trying to figure out God’s plan and I turn my perfectionism into unrealistic expectations of others. Also my perfectionism takes a lot of joy out of life. It means that unless it’s perfect I’m not happy, and the kicker is that it most likely 9 times out of 10 it isn’t going to be perfect. That’s a pretty sad way to live honestly. Add to the perfectionism the desire to always have a plan makes life pretty difficult as things more often than not don’t go according to the plan. Reading through…