Katrina Victims, In Our Prayers…

Katrina Victims, In Our Prayers…

I was listening to a Podcast yesterday on my way to my parents(surprise..lol), and one comment that was made on there was how the online blog community hasn’t been as active, concerning the Katrina victims, as they were after the tsunami hit South Asia. I was working on my blog, man I’ve been working a lot on it lately, and saw TWiT’s support right on their homepage. Now I know very few people will be visiting my site, most don’t even know about it, but I wanted people that do visit to know, that as a proud member of the blog community, I too am concerned with the tragedy down south. I would encourage those able to give to please do so. More later…
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Another Day, Another Dollar…

Well another day gone. I didn’t feel like I got as much done today as I wanted, but that always seems to be the case. I didn’t even make it to any breaks today. Nothing too special went on today other than the normal Tuesday/Thursday work. Got an exciting email today. Moe Gifts had it’s first sale today! It was someone in Virginia. Don’t kow how they found the site. The site tracker I installed doesn’t seem to be giving very accurate results. My hope is that some of the link exchange work I did is how they got there.
Being More Social?
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Being More Social?

Well, I would say that basically I’m pretty social when it comes to being a geek. I can talk about more than just geeky stuff but give me someone that’s interested and I can definately talk geek. This is probably do to the fact that I listen to a ton of geek Podcasts. This reminds me that I need to put up some links to my Podcast favorites. I should really look at some other genres to add to my Podcast subscription list. Perhaps broaden my horizon a little. I do subscribe to a few of Christian podcasts and the President’s weekly radio address.
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Great IM Converstations…

I had some excellent IM conversations tonight. Was talking with Ginny and catching up to what their family has been up to. Sounds like Jim is getting steady business. He’s been doing a lot of work for Wells Fargo. And the home schooling has been going good too. We ended up talking about relationship stuff. This was partly due to the fact that I brought up the subject.