A Dry And Weary Land

A Dry And Weary Land

Still need some partners to help me bring clean water to another 56 people, $375, before I run the #GRMarathon in October. Donate Today: https://timn.me/2Kx7NEr #HWI #Run4Water #WhyIRun When the dry season hits it can be very hard on people, especially when their only source of water is a small stream, pond, or small hole dug in the ground. What is even worse is the many hand dug wells that just dry up because they don’t go down far enough. When Hope Water helps to put a well in you can be sure it’s a well that won’t dry up during the dry season. When I visited a village in e Sierra Leone, a Peace Corps worker there shared with our team that the well…
What You Say Is A Reflection Of The State Of Your Heart
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What You Say Is A Reflection Of The State Of Your Heart

The function of your mouth is a product of the things that dwell in your heart. In order to tame your tongue, you must first examine your heart and get it right with God. #JamesChallenge James Challenge In this age of social media I’m seeing far too often where people, and especially those that claim to be Christians, spewing words they have no business putting out for all the world to see. Long ago I made to decision that if I what I have to say is not uplifting or helpful I’m not going to share it. Now a post like this could be debatable in that regard, but I’m also not afraid to share God’s truth. As Christ followers we are called to a…
Before The Sun Rises, My Time To Run

Before The Sun Rises, My Time To Run

Only $375 to go towards my goal, only about $12 per day until #GRMarathon day on October 20th. Who’s going to help bring clean water to another 56 people in Africa? https://timn.me/2Kx7NEr #HWI #Run4Water #WhyIRun My running photo for today is a pretty typical sight for me.It can be a rarity that I’m actually have the opportunity to run with the sun out. With the exception of some shorter runs with the Hope Water team on Saturdays, or a race, my time to run is generally early in the morning before the sun rises. Except for the fact that I’m not really a morning person, and would rather stay in bed than get up and run, I like the peacefulness of an early morning run….
Knocking Out Another Couple Miles, Sporting A New Headlamp

Knocking Out Another Couple Miles, Sporting A New Headlamp

Who’s going to help me bring clean water to another 132 people? $825 to go to reach my goal, with matching will hit another 132 people blessed with clean water. https://timn.me/2Kx7NEr #HWI #Run4Water #WhyIRun #GRMarathon Careful planning goes into the process of putting in a well, it’s not random and or without care. The teams from World Hope that drill the new wells are skilled at what they do. They carefully choose a location and methodically carry out the execution of drilling a well. The result is reliable well to serve the community. It was a nice cool morning for a quick run. I gave my new headlamp a short test run. What a difference going from a 160 lumens headlamp to a 12000 lumens…