Focusing On The Distance Not The Pace

Focusing On The Distance Not The Pace

There is a reason the saying goes that “life is like a marathon, not a sprint” and it has to do with going the distance. Getting back to the basics of marathon training means focusing on slowing down and building up the endurance needed to finish well. If I’ve learned anything from this past year of training it’s that I lost sight of this fundamental part of training. If I have any hope of finishing well at the upcoming Groundhog Marathon I need to keep focus on that key piece of my training. Today I tried to keep that focus though I still finished with a much faster pace than my training plan directed. I’ll be working on that more in the weeks to come….
Just Another Saturday 13.1 Mile Run

Just Another Saturday 13.1 Mile Run

The need for access to clean water in Sierra Leone hasn’t been met so why would my running stop. Every run I take gives me an opportunity to share about the remaining need for clean water in Africa. I also hope that my commitment inspires others. This holiday season remember those less fortunate and make an impact. #HWI #Run4Water #WhyIRun #GRGus Give the gift of clean water:
Some Days Are Just Tough Ones

Some Days Are Just Tough Ones

Today’s run started off good but the second half was a tough to get through. It wasn’t a terrible training run but it wasn’t my best. When someone in Sierra Leone needs to make a trip to find water, there can be some good days, or some bad day. Those bad days, when clean water can’t get found, can be the difference between life and death. #HWI #Run4Water #WhyIRun #GRGus Help find clean water: