WPGR: Learn about the Developer Tools in your browser

WPGR: Learn about the Developer Tools in your browser

Firefox Developer Tools – Topher Inspector – look at HTML/CSS behind a web page Responsive Display Mode Console – look for errors (security/resource loading issues) Different results depending on when you open – loading vs loaded Debugger – for JavaScript Style Editor – for changing CSS Performance – monitoring page load performance Network – Storage – Local browser items, page cache, cookies, etc. Chrome Developer Tools – Brian Shortcuts – keyboard commands to open dev tools (CTRL-OPT-I[Mac OS X]/CTRL-SHIFT-I[ChromeOS]) Docking – SHIFT-CMD-D(Mac OS X) / CTRL-SHIFT-D(Chrome OS) Elements (inspector) Styles – Filter allows for viewing specific CSS states (i.e. :hover) Add specific element styles Color Swatch – has a color picker, can save swatches Computed Styles View a visual representation of spacing See the CSS that…
The Keyword is “Since” Not “If”

The Keyword is “Since” Not “If”

As a follow up to my previous post it’s important that we remember that everything we are called to do as a Christ follower is in the context of “since” and not “if”. What’s the difference? If we have the thinking, “if someone is doing ‘x’, or not doing ‘y’, they can’t be a believer”, we are basically inferring that someone has no faith or belief in Christ because of their actions. That’s a pretty big leap, and a sure fire way to further the view that Christians are righteous, judgemental, hippacrits, essentially modern day Pharisees. As we dig into the New Testament we’ll find it’s very clear that as a result of being, or “since” we are, Christ followers there should be a lot…