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Wasteful Weekends, Geeks…Gotta Love Em

So yeah, I pretty much wasted the weekend away again. Not totally, but I could have done a lot more than I did. I guess I sort of get tired of doing stuff, like work, all the time and want some time to just kick back and relax. I’m feeling like I’m kind of spinning my wheels with the web job. I really like to nail down the site design before I do the custom programming stuff. The problem is they’ve given me hardly anything to work with. Well Monday will have to be a big day to work on getting stuff going. I guess I’m going to worry less about the design and make sure the funcitonality is all there.

So yeah, not much happened on Saturday, but Sunday was a pretty eventful day. I was ont for playing guitar on the worship team. I think it went pretty well. The only problem was in a couple of changes that were made that I would have like to have had more practice with. I’m finding that I’ve been kind of lazy with doing a lot of open chords rather than full bar chords. I should really work on that more. I also need to work on learning the string notes too so I can more easily find the proper bar chords.

I did kind of miss going to the Life Shapes study this week. I’ve been reading in the book so thats good, but it helps more to actually talk with people about it. I’ll be back with the group next week.

So tonight went to Big Harvest Buffet. Got a ride with John & Caristy, Rud was along too. That’s who I sat with. It was pretty great to hear about the ministry going on in China. There is a lot of work to still do there, but God has been opening some huge doors. There are shor-term groups going every summer now. I’ve kind of got the bug to check into this. It got me thinking more about being apart of an outreach ministry of some sort. I’d really like to use my gifts to really reach people. I know that God is using me where I’m at right now. I just wonder if I ought to think about full-time missions work. I actually got to thinking about how effective an internet outreach ministry could be. There are so many people, especially youth, on IM & doing blogs. This could be a way to find and connect with people.

So on the way home Caristy asked me about doing some network stuff for them. I guess they’ve got some trouble with being able to share printers and be on the internet. I don’t think it would take much to look at. I told them either $25/hr or just feed me a meal. I was more-or-less joking. I don’t mind giving a hand to friends for free. During the conversation it came up that Jeanette didn’t have a printer, guess she would go up to John & Caristy’s to print. Well I’ve got two un-needed printers right now so I was more than happy to offer one to her. She opted for the inkjet. Rud was interested in the laser printer. I think I’m deciding to trade the laser printer I have with Home Missions, rather than just give them the print server, and then I’ll give Rud the HM printer. That way I’ve got that print server laying around in case another need comes up for it. I’m guessing Rud has no need for a print server on the printer, and the printer I have is designed for the Mac too which might work better for HM.

Well, I decided to get a little more exstensive with categories on the blog. As I see more-and-more blogs, most people categorize their blog entries as a way to tag them as well. I can then activate the Technoratti category tag plugin and it can use my category tags for that purpose too.

Well, it’s way late, and I need to get my but out of bed in the morning. On a final note, over the weekend I can across this site: Why geeks make me hot. It’s probably not the most appropriate site. But I liked to see that there are women out there that are looking for a geek. The next step is to find that there is a Christian woman geek out there looking to find a Christian guy geek. God knows if she’s out there, yeppers! Ok, I’m finally going to bed. Grrr, where’s the land of the night people.? Probably the neighbors to the Mole People. LOL 😀 Chow!

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  1. If you can’t access the website referenced above, here’s the content of that page:

    Why geeks make me hot
    Posted by: Jennifer Category: Personal, Geeky Fun
    Date: Sunday, November 28, 2004 at 8:17 pm
    This post appears on BOTD as Strongest #2.

    In my life I have dated a variety of men. I’ve dated the jock, the good ole boy, the frat boy, preppies, ect. None of these pay attention to a woman’s needs like a geek. Geeks pay very close attention to detail in every aspect of their life. Geeks are much more of a challenge and so much more interesting. Don’t ask “How was your day” and expect just an answer of “fine”. You are going to hear the whole shebang. Geeks will provide you with conversation that will exercise your mind.

    A geek doesn’t try to be someone he is not. When you meet a geek, you know that who you are meeting is who you will know from then on. No personality switches with them. They will only try to impress you with their knowledge. They will love you and only you (well, unless you feel threatened by the newest release of Linux software).

  2. I actually meant that now that I couldn’t get the link to work, I would never find a mate. It was a joke, per say. Get it. Laugh. Laugh at my insecurities. JUST LAUGH WHY DON’T YOU. MY WHOLE LIFE IS FALLING APART AAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGHHHHHHHh so how is life going tim?

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