Technical Architect
A Christ-follower, husband, father, and WordPress Developer with Forum One.
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Being In Charge Of The Thanksgiving Turkey
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Wet And Uncomfortable Morning Run
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Doing A Night Run, Fast And Comfortable
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Running The 2018 Grand Rapids Marathon for Clean Water
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5 Mile Labor Of Love On Labor Day
Help bring a brighter future through clean water: #HWI #Run4Water #WhyIRun #GRMarathon #CleanWater A well in Africa may not look like much, it’s not fancy, but it literally can mean the difference between life and death for children and families. I’m $875 away from hitting my $1000 fundraising goal. Right now we have matching funds available, so this means every dollar someone gives is two. It’s the best time to give and have your gift doubled. I had a good Monday recovery run this morning. Once I got in the groove things felt great. I was pleasantly surprised when my trudging along at the start actually turned out to be a faster pace than it felt like.
Tackling A Rainy And Intense Fitness Level Run
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