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Technical Architect
A Christ-follower, husband, father, and WordPress Developer with Forum One.
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Getting in a Long Run Before The Holiday Weekend
I shifted my long run day to Thursday. It’s OK right now, I have a feeling it’s going to be harder when I need to do a 12 mile run in the wee hours of a Thursday morning before work. #HWI #Run4Water #GRHalfMarathon #Garmin #HalfMarathon #Running
A Little 14 Mile Run Before Starting The Day
With a 5K race on Saturday morning, and a breakfast meeting cancelled, I got my 14 Mile long run in this morning before work. I’m glad to have gotten it done and will have a bit more of a break before the 5K. It did throw off much of my morning routine so we’ll see how the day goes. #HWI #Run4Water #GroundhogDayMarathon
Beginning The Next Marathon Training
This morning officially started my next marathon training. As a ran I couldn’t help but think about the #HWI team and all the new people that may have a lot to overcome this year as they prepare for their first half or full marathon. Also those that have already sustained an injury this year and are on the mend. My prayers were not only for the team and God’s protection and strength, as they overcome each step of the journey, but also how God would use me this year to help the team through their training and continue to slbe used to further the cause. #Run4Water #WhyIRun #GRMarathon Donate to Clean Water:
Pushing The Limits But Remembering Sierra Leone
Tried to push myself to my limit on pace this morning. I’m still not going to win any races but I like seeing where all day physically. Even in spite of my focus being on the physical God was reminding me of why I run, by bringing back memories of those I met in Sierra Leone. #HWI #HessLakeRun #GRMarathon #Run4Water #WhyIRun #SierraLeone
Running To The Beat
Nothing too spectacular about my run this morning. Tried sticking to the interval paces as best I could. I did pretty good but I know I didn’t slow down quite enough given that I should have gotten 9.2 miles in but it ended up being 9.65. #HWI #Run4Water #WhyIRun #GRGus
Another “Easy” Run With The New App And Training Plan
I’m starting to feel like I’m getting back into the groove of running again. The biggest thing for me is that I need to have a plan for running. Early mornings are really the best time for me to get a run in. In order for me to be motivated to get up early, and not stay in bed, I need to have a goal and a plan. I’m not sure if I’ll ever truly be at a place to simply run for the sake of running, and that doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy my running. For most things in my life I just need to have a goal or plan. #HWI #Run4Water #RiverBankRun #SocialDistanceRunner