Technical Architect
A Christ-follower, husband, father, and WordPress Developer with Forum One.
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Doing The Thursday Training Run
Another fine Thursday training run. Had a small amount of rain but it was nice to have it keep things cool. It was awesome to hear that my running partner exceeded his $1000 #HWI fundraising goal. I still have about $250 to go to hot the $1000 mark. I’m hoping to hit $2000 this year. #GRMarathon #Run4Water

Giving Our Best
The measure of our success should be attached not to our particular career or what we earn, but on our character and what we give.

Finished Another 4.83mi Interval Training, Run Today
Given the struggle on Monday to get traction and keep a decent place I decided to take my interval run to the treadmill. About the only good thing about a treadmill is that you can easily keep a consistent pace. #HWI #Run4Water #WhyIRun #RiverBankRun #treadmill

Patience, Persistence, And Keeping On – Keeping On
“What’s the secret to being a good bull rider?” When a newspaper reporter asked a Montana cowboy that question, he pushed back his hat and grinned: “You’ve just gotta want to hang on worse than the bull wants to throw you off.” I just finished day 1 of the @YouVersion Plan Men’s Devotional: For Men, By Men.
Taking A Moment To Update…
Well, fine folks who have been patiently, or impatiently, been waiting for my next real post. I’m taking this time I have during lunch to give a little recap of what’s been going on in my life. I’ve been working to reduce the stress in my life and not take on anymore work. The only problem with this, it gives me time to fill. What have I decided to do with this free time, start a podcast. Many of you probably are aware of the podcast by now, if not check it out (https://www.faithshaping.org/). I am really enjoying doing the podcast. I’m almost feeling inclined to expand my podcasting. I’ve considered moving my regular text blog to perhaps even an audioblog, or at least take…

Stepping Back To Step It Up
As I keep working on getting back into a regular running routine the part that is also key is the “why” behind it. The mission of raising money, and awareness of the need, for wells in Africa is not complete. That is a message that doesn’t end during the “off” season. #HWI #Run4Water #WhyIRun Help Continue The Mission: https://timn.me/2Kx7NEr I decided to cut back my miles today with the hope of preventing leg cramps. I didn’t have it initially in mind to kick the speed up but run started so well that’s what ended up happening. The last mile was a bit tougher which brought my average pace down, but I was still plenty happy with how I did compared to the day before.