Technical Architect
A Christ-follower, husband, father, and WordPress Developer with Forum One.
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With God All Things Are Possible
Jesus looked at them intently and said, “Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But with God everything is possible.” – Matthew 19:26 NLT

Post Injury Easy Run
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Joy, Prayer, Thankfulness
Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus. – 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 NLT

Featured / Kids / Parenting / Relationships
Giving Your Time And Attention
Nothing can replace time. Kids don’t need things; they need time. YouVersion plan ‘Better Together’. Check it out here:http://bible.com/r/Qc Just last night I had the opportunity to help start the Watch D.O.G.S. program at my children’s elementary school. One of the reasons for this is put together so nicely in my devotions this morning, showing our kids how important they are by giving them time. The essence of relationships is not what we do for each other or what we give to each other. The essence of relationships is how much of ourselves we give to each other. YouVersion plan ‘Better Together’. Check it out here:http://bible.com/r/Qc “I give my wife everything she needs. I give my kids everything they need. What more do they want?”…

The Half Marathon Training Taper Begins
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Putting Wood On The Fire
Put more wood into the fire by accompanying your partner to his/her favourite place. – Day 1, Refresh Your Marriage In 31 Days I can definitely see that the busyness of life makes it more challenging to keep the “wood fires burning” of marriage. Marriage takes work and especially intentional action to keep plain selfishness at bay. If we would keep our focus on serving in our marriage then love would be more readily felt. I need to plan to be intentional about this each day.