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Technical Architect
A Christ-follower, husband, father, and WordPress Developer with Forum One.
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What is The Reason of it All?
It’s been forever since I actually posted something on my blog. I’m not even sure why I’ve kept it around for so long. I guess perhaps I thought I would return again to blogging someday. What with things like Facebook there almost isn’t a reason to have your own blog anymore. One probably good thing is the fact that not many people visit here any more so perhaps I can just make this post without it stirring up a lot of issues. I have been married for a little over 2 years now. It’s crazy because it doesn’t even seem like it’s been that long. I’ve been living in MI now for 3 years. These past 3 years have had their share of ups and…

Feeling Like An Intense 5K Run
As I hit the pavement this morning I felt like just kicking into high gear for the entire run. I’m not quite sure that it was an overall lifetime #PR for a #5K but I’m pretty sure I finished better than more recent 5K times. What’s crazy is that it wasn’t like I had gotten extra sleep last night or had taken some time off running. I know turning on the new Christian Workout/Running playlist helped. Maybe since I’m on the taper for the marathon, and the miles aren’t as high, I’m just feeling like I have more energy. I won’t be pushing it this hard tomorrow as Thursdays are usually the intense interval run days and I need to make sure I don’t wipe…

Today Started Out Good, But Ended With Me Dropping Facebook Officially
This morning I ran 5+ miles. It was a great time of prayer and thinking of the people in Sierra Leone and being concerned that with #COVID-19 putting people out of work will raising money for more wells be put at risk. #HWI #Run4Water #WhyIRun The day ended with me deactivating my Facebook account, with no real intent on returning, out of frustration with people that call themselves Christ followers, people that I once called friends. Their behavior towards the pandemic makes them appear like they have little regard for human life, or caring about others more than themselves. I think what’s even worse than jumping the Facebook ship is the fact that a lot of these people are also connected with my running group,…

Friday Impromptu Race
On Friday, June 7th, I had the opportunity to join a group of #HWI Team members as part of a marathon relay team. I was chosen to bring the team home running the last 6.2 mile(10K) of the relay. It was a tough run for me as my phone/watch wouldn’t work, other than music through my headphones, so I had no idea what my pacing was and no timer to keep me hydrated regularly like I’m used to. I felt like I was sort of running blind. When I saw the results tonight I was pleasantly surprised to see that I came in around the time/pace that I had hoped based on a training run I did earlier in the week. It was a tough…
Quick One Tonight…
Ok, long story short I’m in a little hot water as I’m behind in the website job. Technically the contract they signed covers my butt, however it’s looking like I don’t have enough time for these types of side jobs. The day was pretty good, but too many things to do, this partly due to the problems with one of the servers. Ended up being no praise team practise as too many couldn’t make it. It was alright though cause I could work on the website project and get my music together for tomorrow. Well, I’ve already done my reading for tonight, I said a quick good night to a bunch on IM, and I’m checking outta here tonight as well. This will give everyone…

First Training Run Since Sierra Leone
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