After some conversation with others on #Mastodon about other caching issues with #ActivityPub & #WordPress it was revealed that it came down to the Accept headers being received by requests to the caching services. The caching services could be things like #Cloudflare or web servers such as #OpenLiteSpeed, or even WordPress caching plugins. In my case I use the OpenLiteSpeed web server caching and I started digging into how caching works in OpenLiteSpeed and how I could fix it for my WordPress site.
I can’t remember how many times I’ve let myself get stressed out by job. It’s a bit of a reality check to read how meaningless it is in the grand scheme of things to get stressed about one’s work.
I set out to get a 6 mile run in, unfortunately when I was just past 5 miles I had an upper leg cramp hit me. I had to stop and walk if off before I could start back up again. Then nature called and it was a rush to get home. A lot of things to throw off my morning. Hopefully this week I can at least 4 runs in and back on a normal schedule. #HWI #Run4Water #WhyIRun
Finished day 4 and still feeling good. Even did better on my pace and got a little bit of extra distance in. Been amazed with what God’s been doing. It’s been a pretty awesome week. #hwi #sierraleone #cleanwater Hudsonville, Michigan, United States of America
I could tell from the start that it was going to be a tough run. I even made a point of going to bed early the night before, because I was going to need to be up by 3:45am to get my 11 mile done at a decent time. I made it to 10 miles and had to stop and let my keys takes rest. I ended up doing some walk/run intervals to get myself home. #HWI #Run4Water #WhyIRun #GRGus It was one of those tough runs where you begin to question your training and whether you’re going to even be able to tackle the next race. I’m going to need to keep my eye on the cause in order to get through this I…