Technical Architect
A Christ-follower, husband, father, and WordPress Developer with Forum One.
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Picking Up The Pace On A Wednesday Training Run
I had the opportunity to witness, first hand, the water situation in Sierra Leone, Africa. It is an honor that Hope Water Intl is working with World Hope Intl in a joint mission to bring clean water to Africa. I am proud to know that #WHI is not just sending Americans into Africa to help and leave, but rather they train and employ locals to carry out the mission. Whether they need drivers, administration, or well drillers, nearly everyone is a national. I didn’t get a chance to hear each of their stories on how they got to where they are today. I can only imagine the amazing stories they must have. #HWI #Run4Water #WhyIRun #GRMarathon Donate to Clean Water: https://timn.me/2Kx7NEr

Kicking Off The Week Strong
My training plan slowed my pace down this week. I suspect since my last Thursday evaluation run involved some pretty icy sidewalks that it affected the outcome of my training plan. I felt really good even after taking this past Saturday off. It’s definitely been harder staying with it since I’m pretty disconnected from my Hope Water Team these days. I’m glad I got out there this morning to knock out some miles for clean water. #HWI #Run4Water #WhyIRun

Stress From Work Is Meaningless
I can’t remember how many times I’ve let myself get stressed out by job. It’s a bit of a reality check to read how meaningless it is in the grand scheme of things to get stressed about one’s work.

Knocking Out The Saturday Morning Long Run – 25K Training
I honestly don’t know what changed this week, but as far as my running goes I have felt great this week. Knocking out the runs with paces that have far exceeded my expectations. I’m not sure if this means my training schedule is too easy for where I’m really at or I am just pushing myself too hard. One would like to think that after training and completing 4 marathons that you would see some improvements. However, I’m getting older so that typically means getting slower, but I’m fortunately not seeing that yet. I would have to say that many of my fast runs this week have easily been affected by tuning into the worship running music I listen too. Instead of being the one…

Nothing Like Cold Winter Weather to Motivate Your Interval Run
After the slow start this week I wasn’t sure how an interval run would go. #HWI #Run4Water #WhyIRun #RiverBankRun

PR On A Half Marathon Training Run
I didn’t get this posted yesterday, it was a busy day with family celebrating my son’s birthday. It was nice weather in the morning for a run. #HWI #Run4Water #WhyIRun #RiverBankRun